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1、2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1It wasnt until then _ their marriage was breaking up because they had little in common.A. did I realize B. that I real

2、ized C. had I realize D. when I realized2Obviously,a good habit help us to speed up to reach our destinations.AneedBmustCcanDshall3Most graduates in big cities are suffering form connected to soaring house prices and job hunting.AcuriosityBeagernessCthirstDanxiety4English is a language shared by sev

3、eral diverse cultures, _ uses it differently.Aall of whichBeach of whichCall of themDeach of them5Modesty is a kind of good quality, which is _it takes to be your personal best.AwhatBwhereCwhichDwhen6-Each of the students working hard at their hard at their lessons the book.-So have I.AreadsBhave re

4、adChas readDread7The weather turned out to be fine. I _ the trouble to carry the umbrella with me.Ashould have takenBmust have takenCcouldnt have takenDneednt have taken8Though small, the country has _ plants from desert grasses to tropical jungle.Aextreme BabundantCartificial Dpoisonous9Is it he or

5、 you _ in charge of the job and supposed to complete it punctually?Awho isBthat isCwho areDwhom are10Bobs lectures covered a fairly wide range and I cant sum up what he says in a few sentences.AcoveredBconveyedCconsideredDcommanded11Taking targeted measures to help people lift themselves out of pove

6、rty, _has been predicted, is fruitful.Awhat BwhichCas Dthat12Wu Lei is the only Chinese player has made it onto the latest World Soccer 500 list.AwhoBwhichCwhoseDwhom13The exchange student from Kenya often shares with us the news of his country and _of his neighbouring countries.AthoseBthatCitDthe o

7、ne14- Could we accomplish the task according to the schedule? - I doubt that. The problem remains _ we can get financial aid within this week. Athat Bhow Cwhy Dwhen 15-Hello, Kate. How is your weekend at home?-Awful! You know it is the first time I _ alone at home, bored to death.Ahas leftBhad leftC

8、had been leftDhave been left16I live in a town _ runs a small and winding river. Athrough which Bwhich Cin which Dwhere17Be calm, Madam. Can you remember _ you had your mobile phone stolen?Awhen was it thatBthat it was whenCwhere it was thatDit was where that18Next Monday is my birthday.Is that so?

9、_AI cant believe my ears. BIm so glad to hear that.CWhat presents do you want? DMany happy returns of the day!19We came to the station _ all the way, only _ the train had just left.Arunning, toldBto run, tellingCto run, to be toldDrunning, to be told20Im going to spend the summer holiday in Hainan,_

10、 lives my uncle.AwhereBwhoCwhichDwhen第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)The researchers say a person loses two months for every kilogram overweight they are and seven years for smoking a packet of cigarettes a day.Unusually, the Edinburgh university team found their answers by an

11、alysing differences in peoples genetic code or DNAFinally they think it will show new ways of helping us to live longer.The group used the genetic code of more than 600, 000 people who are taking part in a natural experiment. If someone smokes, drinks, drops out of school and is overweight, it can b

12、e difficult to identify the impact of one specific unhealthy behavior.Instead, the researchers turned to the natural experiment. Some people carry mutations(变异) in their DNA that increase(食欲) or make them more likely to put on weight, so researchers were able to compare those programmed to eat more

13、with those who were not. The research team also found specific mutations in human DNA that alter lifespan (寿命).Mutations in a gene (a set of instructions in DNA) that is involved in running the immune system could add seven months of life on average.People with a mutation that increased levels of ba

14、d cholesterol knocked eight months off lifespan.A rare mutation in a geneAPOElinked to dementia reduced lifespan by 11 months.And one that made smoking more appealing cut lives by five months.Dr Joshi says that while genes do influence lifespan, “youve got even more influence” through the choices you make. Dr Joshi said, “We hope to discover genes affecting lifespan to give us new information about ageing and construct treatment tor ageing.”There are also some disease mutations that clearly affect lifespan and to destructive effect, such as the Huntingtons gene. People with


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