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1、2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1When they first came to the city, my parents often went to neighbors for a talk, just as they _ in the countryside.Awill doBhad doneChave doneDwere

2、doing2New ideas sometimes have to wait for years before _.Abeing fully accepting Bfully accepting Chaving fully accepted Dfully accepted3-Hello, Kate. How is your weekend at home?-Awful! You know it is the first time I _ alone at home, bored to death.Ahas leftBhad leftChad been leftDhave been left4I

3、f we surround ourselves with people _our major purpose, we can get their support and encouragement.Ain sympathy withBin terms ofCin honour ofDin contrast with5The Winter Olympics _ in 2023 will surely bring in many international tourists.A held B having held C holding D to be held6In view of rapidly

4、 aging population,the second-child policy at the start of 2016.Ais adopted Bwas adopted Chas been adopted Dwas being adopted7Taking online reading into consideration, we can challenge the assumption _ reading for pleasure continues to decrease.AwhetherBthatCwhereDwhen8Tom, do you enjoy your present

5、job?_. I just do it for a living.AOf course BNot reallyCNot likely DThats all right9- Its raining hard and we cant go picnicking today.-If only the weather _ fine!AisBwereChad beenDwould be10Fred let _ that he was prepared to leave company when the new manager took office.Asecret BslipCpromise Dstan

6、dard11This is the first time that we _a film in the cinema together as a family .AseeBhad seenCsawDhave seen12If you want to go further in the new sport, the best way is to _ and practise more frequently.Adive in Bdrop outCcatch on Dspring up13Didnt you go fishing with your friends last Sunday?No. I

7、 _ to the nursing home as usual.AwentBgoChave goneDhad gone14Being happy is a skill that can be learned, and one way to _ ourselves to be happy is to write down the little things that cheer us up each day.AconveyBappealCtrainDattempt15What do you think of Betty? Lovely,though she _ be naughty someti

8、mesAshouldBmustCcanDneed16What the country did _ the international trade regulations, for which it was widely condemned.AapprovedBviolatedCbotheredDinterrupted17Toms comments on this issue are confusing because they appear to _the remarks on the same issue made earlier by him.Aviolate Binduce Cclari

9、fy Dcontradict18When I got to his house, I found that the walls _ .Aare being painted Bare paintingCwere being painted Dwere painting19The government officials met the workers and engineers working on the stadium, most_ were migrant workersAof whichBof whoCof whomDof them20The new secretary is and t

10、herefore the manager is satisfied with her work.AeffectiveBefficientCspecificDsufficient第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) When 12 girls from San Fernando high school in California received a grant (助学金) to develop an invention to solve a real-world problem, they decided to crea

11、te a solar-powered shelter. Now for over a year, the girls have been working after school and over the winter and spring breaks to complete their project. “They have this amazing drive that Ive never seen before, ” said Violet Mardirosian, a math teacher at San Fernando High. “I thought at the begin

12、ning that maybe some of them would give up, saying I didnt expect this much work, but they dont. Theyre just working hard and theyre not giving up.”Living in a low-income community (社区), the girls have seen the problem of homelessness first-hand, which is why they chose that population to create a p

13、roduct for. Many of them are also from immigrant families and hope the solar-powered shelter might help refugees(难民). Seventeen-year-old Maggie Mejia said that while she had no engineering experience, the girls figured out as a team how to create the prototype (雏形), using how-to videos and books tha

14、t taught them how to code. But the most important lesson shes learned over the course of the project isnt technical. “Ive learned a lot about helping others, helping the community and showing a better world to other people,” she said.The girls have been invited to MIT to show their invention. Mardir

15、osian says all the participating students have expressed interest in going into STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) fields and that students from lower grades are already expressing interest in being involved next year. She says, “Many of them didnt think about engineering before. They thought maybe theyre not made out to be


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