1、5t9.A5HE936.10H-ENGL1996=0757670057722b6102The American Society ofMechanica!EngineecsA N A M E R I C A NN A T I O N A L S T A N D A R OWELDED AND SEAMLESSWROUGHT STEEL PIPEASEB3t.10M-1998(Revision of ASME B36.10M-1985)Copyright by the American Society of Medhanical EngineersThuAug0916:40432D01sTD.A5
2、nE93%.10M-EW6L19960759b700579229911=Further revisions wete made by the Secttonal Comuittee.The list of specifications inTable I was revised where necessary and slight revisions in wall thacknesses of some ofthe large sizes of the heavy schedules were made where P/S values were out oftine.it was the
3、hope in 1939 that the designation of pipe used commercially by all industryas Standard weight.Extra-Strong.and Double Extra-Strong would graduatly be reptaced bySchockle Nomber designation.However.owing to customs of over 50 yearsstanding.demand and production o!pipe to these tradittona!dimensions i
4、s undiminished.Consequeny.in response 1o a demand from users.accepted practice for dimenslons and weights ofcommerciaf wrought steet and wetded wrought tron plpe were added.These changes in thestandard were approved and it was deslgnated an Amerlcan Standard on eruary 23.1950.Subcommittee No.I was r
5、eorganized in 1957.In addition to necessary editorial changes.a simpfifed format was selected for the tabtes of weights and fimensions so as to inctudeand identify the sizes and weights of APt Standards 3t.and 3LX.The decimat wattthicknesses and plain end weights were established by a uniform proced
6、ure recognized bymhe nbuar industry.and for some sizes the decimal wall thicknesses and plain end weightsshown may have varied stightly from those shown in the tables of previous issues of thisstandard These changes to the standard were approved and it was designated an AmericanStandard on December
7、21.1959.The standard was revised in 1969.A uniform method to calculate the plain end weughtof stee!pipe was included.and minoc afjustments were made in the tabutated weights ofsteel pipe in Table 2 to conform to this new method.Additionat sizes and thictnesses ofsteel pipe that had come into common
8、use were aiso added to Tahle 2.(nasmuch as APlStandard 51.no longer included wrought iron pipe,reference to this APl Standard wadeleled from Table 3.These changes to the standard were approved and it was designatedan Amencan National Standard on fcbruary 3.1970.Further revisions were made to the sta
9、ndard in 1975.Additional sizes and thicknessesof stee!pipe that had been added to AP!specifications were added to Table 2.Tahle 3.Dimensiors and Welglts of Welded Wrought Iron Pipe.was deleted in its entirety.siacewrought iron pipe is no tonger produced These changes in the standard were arprovedand
10、 ft was designated an Amerfcan Natlona!Standard on fune 5.1975.Te stalldald was revised in 1978 to include SI metnc dimensions.The outside diameterand waff thicknesses were coaverted to miltimeters by muttiplying the inch dimensions by254.Outsice diameters!arger than!6 in.were rounded to the nearest
11、 millimeter.andoutsicle ciameters 16 in.and smaller were rounded to the nearest 0.!mm.Wall thicknesseswere rounded to the nearest 0.01 mm.These converted and rounded Sl metric dimensionswere added to Table 2.A formula to calculate the St metric plain end mass.in kAogramsper meter.using S!metric diam
12、eters and thicknesses was added to section 3.The SI metricplain end mass was calcutated for each size and thickness.and was added to Tabte 2.These changes in the standard were approved and it was designated an Amencan NationalSlandard on July 18.1979.Further tevisionls were made in 1984.The ANSI des
13、ignations.whach are no longer inuse.were deleted from Tabfe 1.and the fist of specifications was revised to agree withcurrent ASTM!and AP!spectfcatlons.Addttonal stzes and thtcknesses whild had beenadded to APl specifcanons were added to Tabte 2.That edttion was approved as anAmerican National Stand
14、ard on August 19.1985.The next edition included additional wall thicknesses and was approved by the AmericanNationa!Standards Instilule on August 24.1995.The curen edition contains revisions to Table 2.adding pipe sizes.changing some plainend weights and matset.identifying metrie pipe by the dimentionless designator DN.andeliminating the AP!Specification column.This edition was approved as an AmericanNialiortal Standard on Seplember 23.(996.Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Engineers几huA30016:40C82001