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1、Reproduced By GLOBAL ENG!NEERING DOCUMENTS With The Permission Of ASTM Under Royalty Agreement AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI/ASTM D 753-73(Reapproved 1978)AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS 1916 Race St.,Philadelphia,Pa.,19103 Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Copyright ASTM

2、 If not listed in the current combined Index,will appear in the next edition.Standard Specification for GENERAL-PURPOSE POL YCHLOROPRENE JACKET FOR WIRE AND CABLE1 This Standard is under the fixed designation D 753;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adopt

3、ion or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.1.Scope 1.1 This specification covers a durable gen-eral-purpose vulcanized polychloroprene compound suitable for use as the outside covering or jacket on insulated electrical wires

4、 and cables where extreme abrasion resistance is not required.The acceptability of the jacket compound,under this specification,shall be determined solely by the test requirements specified herein.1.2 This jacket is not recommended for installation or use in service at a temperature lower than-25C.2

5、.Applicable Documents 2.1 ASTM Standard:D 4 70 Testing Thermosetting Insulated and Jacketed Wire and Cable2 3.Physical Requirements 3.1 The vulcanized jacket shall conform to the requirements for physical properties spec-ified in Table 1.4.Test Methods 4.1 Test the jacket in accordance with Methods

6、D 470.1 This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-9 on Electrical Insulating Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee 009.18 on Elas-tomeric Insulation on Cables.Current edition approved May 22,1973.Published June 1973.Originally published as D753-43 T.Last p

7、revious edition D 753-62(1968).Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Part 40.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest information.m D753 TABLE 1 Physical Test Requirements for General Pur-pose Polycbl

8、oroprene Jacker Physical Requirements:Tensile strength.min,psi(MPa)Elongation at rupture,min,%Set in 2-in.(SO-mm)gage length,max,%Aging Requirements:After Air Oven Test at 100 I c for 168 h:Tensile strength,min,%of unaged value Elongation at rupture,min,%of un-aged value After oil immersion test at

9、121 I C for 18h:Tensile strength,min,%of unaged value Elongation at rupture,min%of un-aged value 1500(10.3)250 20 so so 60 60 A The values specified are applicable only to jacket having a nominal wall thickness of30 mils(0.76 mm)or greater.The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no eosi

10、tion respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard.Users oJ this standard are expressly atfvised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,is entirely their own responsibilit

11、y.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical commillee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM

12、 Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical commiffee,which you may al/end.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,1916 Race St.,Philadelphia,Pa./9103,which will schedule a further hearing regarding your comments.Failing satisfaction there,you may appeal to the ASTM Board of Directors.2


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