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1、-ASTM D2279 68 0757530 002503b B m,-Designation:D 2299-68(Reapproved 1982)Standard Recommended Practice for DETERMINING RELATIVE STAIN RESISTANCE OF PLASTICS T h i s standard is issued under the fixed designationD 2299;the number immediatelyfoiiowing the designationindicates the year of original ado

2、ption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(E)indicates an editonalchange since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope 1.1 This recommended practice covers the determination of the susceptibility to s

3、taining of plastic compositions on incidental contact with miscellaneous staining materials.1.2 This recommended practice does not ap-ply when the plastic compositions are intended to be used in intimate and continuous contact with the staining material.2.Significance 2.1 Polymeric materials may be

4、stained by many substances.Staining tendencies may be affected by additives-and compounding ingre-dients used in the manufacture of various plas-tic compounds.This recommended practice de-termines the susceptibility of these polymeric materials and plastic compounds to staining,under a given set of

5、controlled conditions.3.Apparatus 3.I Closed Glass Containers,for low-viscos-ity liquids.3.2 Applicator,for applying viscous liquids and pastes,for example,a doctor blade.3.3 Oven,Type I or Type II,meeting re-quiremenfs of Grade B,as specified in accord-ance with ASTM Specifications E145,for Gravity

6、-Convection and Forced-Ventilation Ovens2 5.Test Specimens 5.1 The test specimens shall have a flat,smooth surface,large enough to permit a test area 25 mm square for visual examination.For instrumental evaluation the stained area must be large enough to meet the instrumental re-quirements.5.2 Wet-r

7、ub thermosetting decorative lami-naies,prior to application of staining materials,with Grade FF or equivalent grade of pumice just sufficiently to remove the surface gloss,and then wash with a mild soap or detergent.5.3 Should the staining procedure of 7.1.1 cause delamination of the specimen,use 7.

8、1.2.6.Conditioning 6.1 Conditioning-Condition the test speci-mens at 23 f 2OC(73.4 k 3.6OF)and 50 f 5%relative humidity for not less than 40 h prior to test i n accordance with Procedure A of ASTM Methods D 618,Conditioning Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials for Testing?for those tests whe

9、re conditioning is required.In cases of disagreement,the tolerances shall be klC(f1.8OF)and f 2%relative humidity.6.2 Test Conditions-Conduct tests in the Standard Laboratory Atmosphere of 23 f 2OC(73.4 f 3.6OF)and 50-+5%relative humidity,unless otherwise specified in the test methods or in this pra

10、ctice.In cases of disagreement,the 4.Reagents 4.1 Staining Reagents may be found among foods,cosmetics,beverages,pharmaceuticals,cleaning agents,solvents,etc.Examples of these are asphalt,coffee,ink,lipstick,mustard,shoe polish,tobacco juice,tea,and wax crayon.This recommended practice is under the

11、jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-20 on Plastics and is the direct responsi-bility of Subcommittee D20.50 on Permanence Properties.Current edition approved Sept.9,1968.Published November 1968.Originally published as D 2299-64 T.Last orevious edi-tion D 2299-64 T.*Atitiiru/B;o k oj2STM S/unurds,Vol 10

12、.01.Annird BuoiofASTSlcrtidards,Vol 08.01.337 I-y/NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest information.ASTM D2277 bB 9 0757530 0025037 T W P tolerances shall be floc(e1.8.F)and f 2%relative hu

13、midity.7.Procedure 7.1 Application o f Staining Material:7.1.1 For low-viscosity liquids,immerse the specimen in the staining material in a glass container,and close tightly.NOTE I-In the case of volatile reagents,there may be a hazard connected with heating tightly closed jars.It is recommended tha

14、t,for such mate-rials,the jar and staining agent be warmed to oven temperature pror to closing tightly.7.1.2 For viscous liquids and pastes,place the specimen under test on a flat surface,and apply a thin coating of staining material,ap-proximately O.1 mm,using the applicator.7.1.3 For solid stainin

15、g materials,such as wax crayon or lipstick,apply a uniform,opaque coating to the test area.7.2 Place the specimens prepared in accord-ance with 7.1,in an oven at 50&2C for 16 h.Place specimens prepared in accordance with 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 in a horizontal position in the oven,Other temperatures may be

16、used,if de-sirable in meeting specific requirements.7.3 After the oven exposure period,remove any excess staining material from the surface.D 2299 NOTE 2-Unless otherwise specified,the excess staining material may be removed with a soft dry cloth or a spatula.7.4 Observe the residual staining on the test specimen,and compare its appearance to that of an unstained sample.The evaluation of de-gree of staining may be visual or instrumental.If desired,a satisfactory scale for rating the degree of st


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