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1、2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1I live in a town _ runs a small and winding river. Athrough which Bwhich Cin which Dwhere2Its great that all the visito

2、rs who on the island were saved.AtrappedBhave been trappedChad trappedDhad been trapped3It rained heavily overnight and not until this morning _.A. had it stoppedBdid it stopCstopped itDit stopped4The 114 colorful clay Warriors _ at No. 1 pit, _ in height from 1.8m to 2m, have black hair, green, whi

3、te or pink faces, and black or brown eyes.Aunearthed; ranging Bunearthing; rangingCunearthed; ranged Dare unearthed; are ranging5Whenever you _ a present, you should think about it from the receivers point of view.AboughtBhave boughtCwill buyDbuy6The steamboat was fully furnished with life preserver

4、s. The passengers might be saved _ accidents.Ain spite ofBinstead ofCin case ofDin place of7The following_ chosen as the candidates of the competition.AisBareChasDhave8I have been decorating the apartment recently, so can you lend me some money?Sorry, all my money has gone to the stock market. _.AId

5、 rather not.BI am in the black.CI wouldnt bet on it.DI am a little shy.9He is good at a lot of things but it doesnt mean he is perfect. _ Actually no one is.AWhats going on?BLets get going.CThank goodness.DIm with you on that.10 Dimash appeared on the stage of Singer 2017,his voice instantly won hea

6、rts of Chinese audience.AAs long as BAs soon as CNow that DEver since11Dave was a _. Because of his misconduct in class, the whole class had to stay after school.Awet blanket Bleading lightCblack sheep Ddark horse12_ what had happened, they knew I would struggle and simply wanted to help because it

7、was the right thing to do.AHearingBTo have heardCHaving heardDHeard13As economy is declining, jobs _to the young, continue to be scarce.Aavailable BconvenientCcomfortable Dvaluable14Todays homework was easy _so I finished it quickly and went out to playAto be done Bdone Cdoing Dto do15-I hear youll

8、cancel all your plans and appointments. Why?-They _ my life. I just cant stop.AcontrolBcontrolledChave controlledDhave been controlling16Jack has been out of consciousness since the accident.Will he come to himself,doctor?Its going to be tough but we anticipate that he will .Aput through Bpull throu

9、ghCput over Dpull over17The governors statement on employment _ a storm of criticism,Aset up Bset outCset about Dset off18Computers can do nothingBut once _what to do, they show extraordinary power to do a great dealAto programBbeing programmedCprogrammedDhaving programmed19_ a record-breaking seven

10、 Golden Globes, the musical La La Land surprisingly does not appeal to Chinese viewers.AWinning BWonCHaving won DTo win20-Kingsman: The Secret Service is a spy action comedy film. Wants to come with me?-Id love to, but my best friend is getting married, and I wont _ it for anything.AoverlookBtradeCm

11、issDforget第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)It has become a certain belief among the public-drink at least eight glasses of water a day to improve health and wellbeing. Bottled water companies often repeal it to increase their sales but it is actually a silly idea. There is no e

12、vidence to prove the advantages of drinking eight glasses of water a day, scientists say.The misunderstanding is caused from the suggestion that adults should drink 2.5 liters of water daily, which was stressed by the British Medical Journal in December. The important part of the suggestion that mos

13、t of this quantity of water is contained in prepared foods, however, is usually ignored.US researchers who reviewed the evidence concluded that most people do not need to worry about the amount of water they drink every .day. Besides drinking water, they will be getting plenty of liquid(液体)in other

14、ways. Caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee and cola and alcohol(酒)can help reach the daily total if they dont drink too much, though these drinks help the production of urine (尿). Less well known arc the dangers of drinking too much water, causing water poisoning, low salt levels and even death.The review of research by Dan Negoianu, from the University of Pennsylvania, found that not a single study included the suggestion of drinking eight glasses of water a day. Although one small study suggested that drinking water could result in fewer heada


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