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1、2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1- Where is your new home now?- In the new developed zone. But I _ downtown for five years.AlivedBhad livedChave livedDwas living2The crazy fans _ pa

2、tiently for two hours, and they would wait till the movie star arrived.Awere waitingBhad been waitingChad waitedDwould wait3 you play the piano at this time of the day ? I need a good rest for tomorrows test. Sorry.AMustBShallCCanDMay4Newly released data point to an increase in technology use among

3、children some worry is changing the very nature of childhood.AwhyBwhichCwhoDwhere5They have leading experts in this field, and thats _ theyve made important progress.A where B why C whether D who6While in the university, we were offered a number of after-school activities to our social skills.Acreat

4、eBgrowCsettleDdevelop7_ progress it is, you cant stop moving forward.AWhatever great BHowever greatCNo matter how great DHow great a8People expect Shanghai Disneyland Park to offer better service than _ of Tokyos.AthisBitConeDthat9_ themselves in the community services, students can gain experience

5、for growth.AInvolvedBTo involveCHaving been involvedDInvolving10Lichun is a Chinese word for one of the 24 solar terms, means the beginning of spring.AwhoBthatCwhoseDwhich11If _ in the elevator, please press the emergency button immediately.A trapped B trappingC having trapped D to be trapped12The u

6、se of computers has made _ possible for more people to work at home.AitBthatCwhichDwhat13He would be in better health now _ with too much work when young.Ahad he not burdened himselfBif he was not burdenedCwere he not burdenedDhad he not been burdened himself14Creating an atmosphere _ employees feel

7、 part of a team is a big challenge.AwhereBwhoseCthatDwhich15The conference aims to develop business and let people think about _ they can have a positive influence on the planet.Awhy BthatCwhat Dhow16_ an increase in foreign legal conflicts,China is expected to see the number continue to riseATo wit

8、nessBBeing witnessedCWitnessedDHaving witnessed17The news shocked the public,_ to great concern about students safety at school.Ahaving ledBledCleadingDto lead18Citizens are _ to exercise their rights, but under no circumstances can they violate other peoples rights.Aon trackBon scheduleCat easeDat

9、liberty19Why are you so late?The driver couldnt see clearly because of the fog_, the road was too icyAThereforeBOtherwiseCHoweverDBesides20Acceptance is not about liking a situation. It is about acknowledging all that has been lost and _ to live with that loss.AlearningBlearnedCto learnDhaving learn

10、ed第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)The most powerful rocket to leave Earth since the Apollo missions launched(发射)from Florida on February 6What was the launch trying to achieve?The Falcon(猎鹰)Heavy test flight was mostly a proof-of-concept,showing the world it is possible to suc

11、cessfully fly a rocket with three re-usable boosters(助推器)beyond orbitSpaceX billionaire Elon Musk said that the company planned to aim the rocket so the electric car reached Mars(火星)orbital path around the sun about six months after launchHe added that the car could pass close to the red planet as i

12、t crossed its orbit,though he admitted this wasextremely unlikelyWhat does SpaceX gain from the flight?SpaceX was built around the idea that reusable rockets could greatly reduce the cost of carrying cargo(货物)into space for paying customers,such as satellites or space station resuppliesShowing that

13、the huge Falcon Heavy rocket actually works is important if SpaceX plans to sell cargo space on the craft in future,with the company planning to charge customers $90 million per flightHas SpaceX achieved its goals?Musk repeatedly warned Falcon Heavy would likely explode on the launch station as a re

14、sult of its huge powerSpaceX had slightly overcooked one of the rockets booster burns,sending the main capsule out of its planned trackThe car will likely end up further into the solar system than intended,missing MarsIn short,the rocket made it beyond Earths orbitSpaceXs primary goalbut missed its

15、targets to re-land all three boosters and send Musks Tesla to MarsDoes that matter?SpaceXs failure to re-land all three of its boosters will be a concern for potential customersDespite the faults,the launch has still been praised by industry experts as a gamechanger because of its potential to motivate the company to the very for


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