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1、std-Iec 60262-l-en6l 1994844691 067976713NORMECEIINTERNATIONALEIECINTERNATIONAL60282-1STANDARDEdition 4.21998-01Edition 4:1994 consolidee par les amendements 1:1996 et 2:1997Edition 4:1994 consolidated with amendments 1:1996 and 2:1997Fusibles a haute tension-Partie 1:Fusibles limiteurs de courantHi

2、gh-voltage fuses-Part 1:Current-limiting fusesIECNumero de relerenceReference numberCEIIEC 60282-1:1994+A.1:1996+A.2:199/Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionWed Apr 25 10:22:45 2001STD,IE(60262-1-ENGL199B4844591067976575TNumeros des publicationsNumberingDepuis ie 1er janvier 1997,

3、les publications de la CEAs from 1 January 1997 all IEC publlcations aresont numerotees a partir de 60000.ssued with a designa:on in the 60000 serios.Publicatlons consolideesConsolidated publicationsLes versions consolidees de certaines publications deConsolidated versions of some IEC publicationsia

4、 CEl incarporant les amendements scnt dispon:blesincluding amendmen.s are available.For examplo,Par oxemple.les numeros d6dition 1.0,1.1 et 1.2edition numbers 1.0,1.1 ano 1.2 refer,respectively,toindiguent respectivement le pub ication de base,lache basepublication,thepublication de base incorporant

5、 Iamendement 1.incorporating amendmerd the base publicatiopubllcation de base incorporant les amenderentsncorporating amendments 1 and 2.t2Validite de la presente publicationValidity of this publicationLe contenu technique des publications de la CEl estThe technical content of IEC publications is ke

6、pt underconstamment revu par la C=l afin qu il reflete retatconstan:review by the IEC.thus ensuring that theactel de ia techniquo.content rellects current technolagy.Desrenseignementsrelslifslaenfermation relating to the date of the reconfirmation ofeconfirmation de la publication sant disponibles d

7、ansho publication is availasle in the IEC ca:alogue.le Catalogus de la CEl.Los rense pnemente relalls a ces revisions,a letablis-nformation on the evision work,the issue of revised0itionsandamendments may be oblained frompeuvent atre abtenus aupres des Comites nationaux deEC NationalCommittees and f

8、rom the followingla CEl et dans les documents ci-dessous:EC sources:Bulletin de la CEIIEC BulletinAnnuaire de la CElIEC YearbookAcces en lianeQn-ine access”Catalogue des publications de ia CEICatalogue of IEC publicationsPublie annuellement et mis a jouregulierementPublished yearly with reg.lar upda

9、les【Accc5 en ligne(On-line access*Terminologie,symboles graphiquesTerminology,graphical and letteret litterauxsymbolsEn oe qui concerne la terminologie generale,le lecteurFor general terminology.readers are reterred tose reportera a la CEl 60050:Vocabulaire CIsctro-IEC 60050:Intemational Eisctrctech

10、nical Vocabufarytechnique International(VEI).(IEV).Pour les symboles graphiques.les symboles litterauxFor graphical symbols,and letter symbols and signset les signes dusage gereral approuves par la CEl.leapproved by the IEC lor goncral use.readers arclecteur consultera la CEl 00027:Symbofes Nttdraux

11、 areferred to publications IEC 60027:Lotter swabols foutiiser en electrotechnique,a CEl 60417:Symbolesutilisables sur lebe used in technology,IEC 60417:Graphicalsurvey andcompilation des feuflos individuoles,ot la CEl 60617:compllation of the single sheets and IEC 60617:Symboles graphiques pour schd

12、mas.Graphical symbols for diagrams.Publications de la CEl itablies parIEC publications prepared by the samele meme comite dctudestechnical committeeLattention du lectaur est attiree sur ies listes figurantThe attention of readers is drawn to the end pages ofa la fin de cettc pubication.qui enumerent

13、 lesthis publication which list the IEC publications issuedpublications de ie CEl preparees par le comiteby the technical committee which has prapared thedetudes qui a etabli la presente publication.Ur8s形t publicatio门.Voir adresse site webs sur la page de titre.See web site address on title page.Cop

14、yright por International Electrotechnical CommissionNed Apr2510:22:452001Std.IeC 6022-1-eNgl 19984844691 0679770 30-2-60282-1CEI:1994+A.1:1996+A.2:1997SOMMAIREPagesAVANT-PROPOS.6SECTION 1:GENERALITESArticles1 Domaine dapplication.82 Conditions normales et speciales de service10SECTION 2:DEFINITIONS3

15、 Caracteristiques electriques.144 Fusibles et leurs elements constitutifs.185 Termes complementaires.20SECTION 3:CARACTERISTIQUES ASSIGNEES ET CONDITIONS NORMALESDEMPLOI ET DE COMPORTEMENT6 Caracteristiques assignees.227 Conditions normales demploi et de comportement24SECTION 4:ESSAIS DE TYPE8 Condi

16、tions dexecution des essais.309 Liste des essais de type.3010 Regle dessais communes a tous les essais de type.3211 Essais dielectriques.3212 Essais dechauffement et mesurage de la pulssance dsslpee.3613 Essais de coupure.4214 Essais de vorification de la caracteristique temps-courant.6415 Essais de

17、tancheite a lhuile.6616 Essais des percuteurs.66SECTION 5:ESSAIS SPECIAUX17 Conditions dexecution des essais.70SECTION 6:SPECIFICATIONS CONCERNANT LES FUSIBLESLIMITEURS DE COURANT18 Liste des valeurs assignees et des caracteristiques.7419 Indications a porter sur les plaques signaletiques.90SECTION

18、7:GUIDES DAPPLICATION20 Objet.9221 Generalites9222 Utilisation.9423 Fonctionnement.10224 Fin de vie102Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionWed Apr 25 10:22:45 2001STD,IEC60282-1-ENGL19984B44891067977124460282-11EC:1994+A.1:1996-3-+A.2:1997CONTENTSPageFOREWORD.7SECTION 1:GENERALClau

19、se1 Scope92 Normal and special service conditions.11SECTION 2:DEFINITIONS8 Electrical characteristics.154 Fuses and their component parts.195 Additional terms.21SECTION 3:RATINGS AND STANDARD CONDITIONSOF USE AND BEHAVIOUR6 Ratings.237 Standard conditions of use and behaviour.25SECTION 4:TYPE TESTS8

20、 Condit0 ns for making the te3ts.319Li8t0ftyp日t0883110 common test practices for all type tests.3311 tests3312 Temperature-rise tests and power-dissipation measurement.3713 Breaking tests4314 Tests for time-current characteristics.6515 Oil-tightness tagts.6767SECTION 5:SPECIAL TESTS17 Condit ons for making the tests.71SECTION 6:SPECIFICATIONS FOR CURRENT-LIMITING FUSES18 List of ratings and characteristics.7519 ldentifying markings.91SECTION 7:APPLICATION GUIDE9321 General.9322.9510324Disp0$gl103Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionNed Apr2510:22:452001


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