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1、IEC 1024 PT*1-19348448910541412081Revision de la presente publicationRevision of this publicationLe contenu technique des publications de la CEI est consThe technical content of IE C publications is kept under con-tamment revu par la Commission afin dassurer quil reflete bienstant review by the IEC,

2、thus ensuring that the content reflectsIetat actuel de la technique.current technology.Les renseignements relatifs d ce travail de revision,aInformation on the work of revision,the issue of revised edi-Ietablissement des editions revisees et aux mises a jour peuventtions and amendment sheets may be

3、obtained from IECatre obtenus aupres des Comites nationaux de la CEI et enNational Committees and from the following I E C sources:consultant les documents ci-dessous:Bulletin de la C EIIE C BulletinAnnuaire de la C E IIE C YearbookCatalogue des publications de la C EICatalogue of I E C Publications

4、Publie annuellementPublished yearlyTerminologieTerminologyEn ce qui concerne la terminologie generale,le lecteur seFor general terminology.readers are referred to I E C Publi-reportera a la Publication 50 de la CEI:Vocabulaire Electro-cation 50:Intemational Electrotechnical Vocabulary(TEV),technique

5、 International(VE),qui est etablie sous forme dewhich is issued in the form of separate chapters each dealingchapitres spars traitant chacun dun sujet defini,IIndexwith a specific field,the General Index being published as ageneral etant publie separement.Des details complets sur le VElseparate book

6、let.Full details of the IEV will be supplied onpeuvent etre obtenus sur demande.request.Les termes et definitions figurant dans la presente publicacionThe terms and definitions contained in the present publicationont ete soit repris du VE,soit specifiquement approuves aux finshave either been taken

7、from the IEV or have been specificallyde cette publication.approved for the purpose of this publication.Symboles graphiques et litterauxGraphical and letter symbolsPour les symboles graphiques,symboles litteraux et signesFor graphical symbols,and letter symbols and signs approveddusage general appro

8、uves par la C E I,le lecteur consulteraby the IE C for general use,readers are referred to:-a Publication 27 de la CE I:Symboles liueraux a utiliser en-IEC Publication 27:Leuer symbols tw be used in elecuricalelectrotechnique;technology:-Ia Publication 617 de la C EI:Symboles graphiques pour-IE C Pu

9、blication 617:Graphical symbols for diagrams.schemas.Les symboles et signes contenus dans la presente publicationThe symbols and signs contained in the present publicationont ete soit repris des Publications 27 ou 617 de la CEI soithave either been taken from IEC Publications 27 or 617,orspecifiquem

10、ent approuves aux fins de cette publication.have been specifically approved for the purpose of this publication.Publications de la C I etablies par le memeI E C publications prepared by the sameComite dEtudesTechnical CommitteeLattention du lecteur est attiree sur le deuxieme feuillet de laThe atten

11、tion of readers is drawn to the back cover,whichcouverture,qui enumere les publications de a CEI prepareeslists IEC publications issued by the Technical Committeepa le Comit dEtudes qui a tabli la presente publication.which has prepared the present publication.Copyright por International Electrotech

12、nical CommissionWed Apr 25 08:13:37 2001IEc1024PT*1-19348448910541414954-2-1024-1.1CE:193SOMMAIREPagesAVANT-PROPOS.4NTRODUCTION,6Articles1Gneralites.81.1D0 maine dappircati0nel001.2 Termes et detinitions62Classification des structures.102.1 Structures habituelles.102.2 Structures particulieres.103Ca

13、ractristiques de la foudre163.1 Caract6ristiques des courants de foudre utilises pour dimensionner lesinstallations de protection contre la foudre(IPF)163.2 Densite des coups de foudre au sol.64Choix des niveaux de protection pour les installations de protectionC0 ntre la foudre(lPF)ua184.1 Frequenc

14、e accepte des coups de foudre(N)sur une structure.184.2Frequence previsible(N)des coups de foudre directssur une structure64054414141111*204.3Procedure de choix des IPF226Annexe A-Valeurs fondamentales des caracteristiques du courant de foudre-Frequence cumufee de distribution34Copyright por Interna

15、tional Electrotechnical CommissionWed Apr2508:13:372001IE(1024PT*h-93484489105414158901024-1-11EC:1993-3-CONTENTSPageFOREWORD.5INTRODUCTION.1Clause1G8nf8l444491.1 Scope and object91.2Terms and detinitions.92 Classification of struetures.112.1 Common structures.112.2 Special structures.113 Lightning

16、parameters*4444415164444*173.1 Lightning current parameters used for dimensioning LightningProtection Systems(LPS).173.2Lightning ground flash density.174Selection of protection levels for Lightning Protection Systems(LPS).194.1Accepted frequency of lightning flashes(N)to a structure.194.2Expected frequency(N)of direct lightning tlashes to a structure214.3 Procedure for selection of LPS23Figures.26Annex A-Basic values of lightning current parameters-Cumulative frequencydistribution,35Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionWed Apr2508:13:372001


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