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1、NORME I NTERNATI O NALE I NTERNATIONAL STANDARD CE1 IEC Deuxime dition Second edition 1990-05 Condensateurs de couplage et diviseurs capacitifs Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers Numro de rfrence Reference number CEMEC 358:1990 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by

2、IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_-IEC 358 90 L181iL189L 0097292 O a Rvision de la prsente publication Le contenu technique des publications de la CE i est constam-ment revu par la Commission afin dassurer quil reflte bien l

3、tat actuel de la technique.Les renseignements relatifs a ce travail de rvision.ltablis-sement des ditions rvises et aux mises jour peuvent tre obtenus auprs des Comits nationaux de la CE I et en consultant les documents ci-dessous:Bulletin de la CE I Annuaire de la CE I Catalogue des publications de

4、 la CE I Publi annuellement Terminologie Revision of this publication The technical content of i EC publications is kept under con-stant review by the i EC.thus ensuring that the content reflects current technology.Information on the work of revision,the issue of revised edi-tions and amendment shee

5、ts may be obtained from l EC National Committees and from the following I EC sources:I EC Bulletin I EC Yearbook Catalogue of I EC Publications Published yearly.Terminology En ce qui concerne la terminologie gnrale.le lecteur se repor-tera la Publication 50 de la CE 1:Vocabulaire Electrotechnique In

6、ternational(VEI).qui est tablie sous forme de chapitres spars traitant chacun dun sujet dfini.lindex gnral tant publi sepa-rment.Des dtails complets sur le VE1 peuvent tre obtenus sur demande.Les termes et dfinitions figurant dans la prsente publication ont t soit repris du VEI.soit spcifiquement ap

7、prouvs aux fins de cette publication.For general terminology.readers are referred to I EC Publi-cation 50:International Electrotechnical Vocabulary(IEV).which is issued in the form of separate chapters each dealing with a specific field,the General index being published as a separate bookle!.Full de

8、tails of the IEV will be supplied on request.The terms and definitions contained in the present publication have either been taken from the IEV or have been specifically approved for the purpose of this publication.Symboles graphiques et littraux Graphical and letter symbols Pour les symboles graphi

9、ques,symboles littraux et signes dusage gnral approuvis par la CE I,le lecteur consultera:-la Publication 27 de la CEI:Symboles littraux a utiliser en-la Publication 617 de la CEI:Symboles graphiques pour Les symboles et signes contenusdans la prsente publication ont t soit repris des Publications 2

10、7 ou 617 de la CEI,soit spkcifi-quement approuvs aux fins de cette publication.For graphical symbols,and letter symbols and signs approved by the I EC for general use,readers are referred to:-i EC Publication 27:Letter symbols to be used in electrical-I EC Publication 617:Graphical symbols for diagr

11、ams.lectrotechnique:technology;schmas.The symbols and signs contained in the present publication have either been taken from I EC Publications 27 or 617.or have been specifically approved for the purpose of this publication.Publications de la CE1 tablies par le mme Comit dEtudes Technical Committee

12、I EC publications prepared by the same Lattention du lecteur est attire sur le deuxime feuillet de la couverture.qui numre les publications de la CE 1 prpares par le Comit dEtudes qui a tabli la prsente publication.The attention of readers is drawn to the back cover,which lists I EC publications iss

13、ued by the Technical Committee which has prepared the present publication.Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NORME I NT E R NAT I O N AL E I NTERNATI ONAL STANDAR

14、D CE1 IEC 358 Deuxime dition Second edition 1990-05 Condensateurs de couplage et diviseurs capacitifs Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers O CE1 1990 Droits de reproduction rserves-Copyright-all rights reserved Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite ni No part of this public

15、ation may k.reproduced.or utilized in utilisousquelquefomlequecesMtetparauainpr,anyfmorbyanyrneans,electromormechanical,including lectronique MI mcanique,y cornpris b photocopie et les photooopying,and microfilm,withwt perrnissiori in writing rnicroiifms,cans laccord cnt de lditeur.from the publishe

16、r.Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale 3,ruedeVaremb Genve,Suisse X CODE PRIX Commission Electrotechnique Internationale PRICE CODE International Electrotechnical Commission MewyHaponHaR 3nemporexrecm KOMHCCHR Pcnirp,nX.w?caiaueemv&wr Forpnce,see current caakyue Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2-SOMMA I RE 358 0 CE1 Pages PREAMBUL


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