1、2020考研英语翻译,Ivy Liu,单词翻译,1.专有名词的翻译2.代词的翻译3.词性转换4.词义引申5.固定搭配,1.专有名词的翻译,著名专有名词,必须使用既定的译法非著名的人名/物名,可以采取音译(+括号原始英文)学科术语,需要通过上下文寻找翻译线索,3,1.专有名词的翻译,著名专有名词,必须使用既定的译法Galileos greatest glory was that.伽利略Greeks assumed that.希腊人,4,1.专有名词的翻译,著名专有名词,必须使用既定的译法,5,弗洛伊德,亚当斯密,艾伦格林斯潘,赫胥黎,柏拉图,苏格拉底,苏格拉底式,亚里士多德,达尔文,乌托邦,时代
2、华纳,世界杯锦标赛,世界卫生组织,世界贸易组织,1.专有名词的翻译,2.非著名的人名/物名,可以采取音译(+括号原始英文)But that,Pearson points out,is only the start of man-machine integration.皮尔森/皮尔逊Some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir 博尔思/鲍尔斯 和 萨丕尔/萨皮尔,6,1.专有名词的翻译,3.学科术语,需要通过上下文寻找翻译线索The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Bi
3、g Bang,first put forward in the 1920s.known as the Big Bang(the theory that the universe originated in an explosion from a single mass of energy),7,大爆炸理论,2.代词的翻译,如果代词不翻译会导致句意不完整或者指代不明的话,我们一定要将此代词还原。通常若具体指代的是一件事情,仍然要求将代词还原为这件事情。(可以简化描述),8,2.代词的翻译,(2002.64)Freedom and dignity illustrate the difficulty
4、.They are the possessions of the autonomous(self-governing)man of traditional theory,.自由和尊严(它们)是传统理论中自主人所拥有的.,9,2.代词的翻译,Do animals have rights?This is how the question is usually put.It sounds like a useful,ground-clearing way to start.(71)Actually,it isnt,because it assumes that there is an agreed
5、account of human rights,which is something the world does not have.事实并非如此,因为这种问法假设人们对于人的权利有一种共识,而这种共识并不存在。,10,词性转换和词义引申,1.a leader of the new school contends school 是 2.elegant system中,elegant 是 3.And home appliances will become so smart that.中,smart 是,词组(文化颜色词):*in the red*in the black*in the pink*
6、in the blues欠债 赢利 健康 郁闷*a dark horse*a black horse*dark eyes*black eyes“黑马”毛皮黑色的马 黑眼睛 挨打后出现的黑眼圈*red eyes*green-eyed*a green hand*yellow pages 廉价威士忌酒 眼红嫉妒 新手生手 黄页,*a white lie*a white elephant*black tea*brown sugar 善意的谎言 无用且累赘之物 红茶 红糖*be beaten black and blue*a black sheep*blacksmith被打得青一块紫一块 害群之马 铁匠
7、*blacklist*blue blood*bluestocking*brown bread黑名单 贵族(aristocratic/noble)女学究 黑面包,难点提醒1.词义选择和词义引申,1.Ill see her home tonight.2.India is the home of elephants.3.Hes at home with the classics.4.New homes are for sale.5.Shes at home where she is.6.Maternity home costs in America have gone up sharply.7.Mu
8、ch is produced here for home market.8.He looks on London as his home.,一)一词多义,根据词性确定词义 在翻译时,词义的选择应从以下几个方面着手。(一)根据词性确定词义 如:forecast有“预报,预测”的意思,用作动词和用作名词时意思相同;increase作动词时,表示“增加,增长,增进”的意思,用作名词时主要还是表达这些意思。,牛刀小试,1)light:1.This light is too poor to read by.(名词)2.Aluminum is a light metal.(形容词)3.Will you l
9、ight the fire for me?(动词),2)round:1.The Earth is not completely round.(形容词)2.Lets go into the hall and have a look round.(副词)3.They are dancing in a round(名词)4.He worked round the day.(介词)5.The boys eyes rounded with excitement.(动词),根据上下文确定词义,我们以动词move为例,如果上下文不一样,move的意思显然也是不一样,必须依据上下文才能做到准确通顺的翻译。1.
10、That car was really moving.2.Share prices moved ahead today.3.The story of their sufferings moved us deeply.4.Work on the new building is moving quickly.,5.The governments opinions on this matter havent moved.6.I move that we support the introduction of this new technological process.7.She moves in
11、the highest circles of society.8.Unless the employers move quickly,there will be strike.,根据汉语习惯搭配确定词义,a deep well是指;a deep voice;a deep red;deep in study;a deep mystery;a deep thinker;deep outrage,牛刀小试,动词work在翻译时如果上下文不同,汉语习惯搭配也不一样,翻译时应该选择不同的词义来表达。I think your suggestion will work.The new treatment w
12、orks like magic.My watch doesnt work.The sea works high.She worked her way to the front.The root of the pine tree worked down between the stones.The new regulation is working well,二)词义的引申,(一)通过抽象化加以引申 例如:They have their smiles and tears.We insist that international trade should not be a one-way stre
13、et.I have no head for mathematics.,(二)通过具体化加以引申 例如:The car in front of me stopped,and I missed the green.Perhaps the only trouble with copper is that it is not hard enough for some uses.,熟词僻义加强,school=学校,学院 n.学派;上课(时间)article=n.文章,物品,冠词n.条款world=n.世界,世人,世间n.界,领域pool=n.水塘,游泳池;(液体等的)一滩,一片vt.共用 n.共用物ed
14、ge=常义:n.边缘,边,刀口;僻义:n.优势 v.侧着移动row=常义:n.(一)排,(一)行;僻义:v.划(船等)nurse=常义:n.保姆,护士;僻义:vt.看护composition=常义:n.作品,写作,创作;僻义:n.构成bar=常义:n.酒吧间;条,杆,栅栏;僻义:vt.闩(门,窗等);阻拦,封锁,attend=常义:v.出席;专心,致力于;僻义:vt.照顾,护理file=常义:n.档案,文件夹;纵列 僻义:v.把归档,提出(申请书等);排成纵队行进novel=常义:n.(长篇)小说 僻义:adj.新颖的succeed=常义:vi.成功 僻义:v.继之后,继承change=常义:
15、n/v.改变,变化 僻义:n.零钱plant=常义:n.植物 vt.栽种,放置 僻义:n.工厂;间谍bridge=常义:n.桥,桥梁 僻义:n.桥牌 vt.架桥于,把.连接起来post=常义:n.邮政,岗位,哨所,职位 僻义:n.柱 vt.贴出;投寄;宣布,公告master=常义:n.(男)主人,能手 掌握;征服 僻义:n.原版;M-硕士 adj.主要的,优秀的,sort=常义:n.种类,类别 僻义:vt.整理mark=常义:n.记号 标明 僻义:n.斑点safe=常义:adj.安全的,谨慎的 僻义:n.保险箱revolution=常义:n.革命 僻义:n.旋转,绕转iron=常义:n.铁,烙
16、铁 僻义:vt.烫(衣),烫平shoulder=常义:n.肩,肩膀 僻义:vt.肩负,承担,挑起branch=常义:n.树枝,支流,分叉 僻义:n.分部,分科plane=常义:n.飞机 僻义:n.平面 adj.平坦的stage=常义:n.舞台,戏剧 僻义:n.阶段wind=常义:windn.风;气息,呼吸 僻义:waindv.蜿蜒;绕,缠绕;上发条sunny=常义:adj.阳光充足的 僻义:adj.快活的,难点提醒2 词组的熟悉度加强,1.shut off 2.be born with 3.head into 4.in the fashion of 5.by all means 6.in a
17、sort of sense,6.move forward 7.give rise to sth 8.look into 9.believe in 注意:(历年常考词组总结请看附件)!,难点提醒3 句法的熟练度加强,Second to none.(二战后美国军舰旗语)None.(英国小炮艇旗语),经典英美剧名翻译,风月俏佳人凡夫俗子碧血黄沙 警察世家 真爱如血少年奶爸 绯闻女孩,超感神探 天赋友情医好汉两个半邪恶力量吸血鬼日记狗在都市,句子的翻译,1.被动语态2.定语从句3.状语从句4.名词性从句5.特殊结构的翻译,32,第二部分 翻译准则和黄金定律,提问1:英语句子复杂还是汉语句子复杂?提问2
18、:英语句子什么成分最复杂?,翻译句子顺序准则,准则1:在只有主谓宾的情况下,英语和汉语顺序一致。Eg.我喝水=I drink water(不能说:我水喝)He drives the car.This is a book and that is a dog.,准则2:定语和状语成分多,从最远处翻译。1Science is the body of knowledge about nature that represents the collective efforts,insights,findings and wisdom of the human race.科学史代表着人类的集体努力,洞察力,
19、发现和智慧的关于自然界的知识体系。,2.By comparison,an earthquake of similar intensity that shook American in 1988 claimed 25,000 victims.相比之下,那个1998年摇撼了美国的相似强度的地震却要了25,000 人的命。,准则3 直译不行,只能意译 1.My mother said to my father:“father,our children are sitting on the river bank.”,准则4:少用被动句 This is ignored by historians.,牛刀
20、小试,1.He was praised by his teacher.2.Problems should be resolved in good time.3.The schoolboy was knocked down by a minibus when crossing the street.,难句 实战练习,1.In addition,changes made to the construction codes in Los Angeles during the last 20 years have strengthened the citys buildings and highway
21、s,making them more resistant to quakes.此外,在过去的20年中洛杉矶市对建筑法规所做的修订使城市的建筑和道路系统更加坚固,增强了抗震能力。,2.Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassionate manner that natural scientists use for the study
22、of natural phenomena.社会科学是知识探索的一个分支,它力图像自然科学研究自然现象那样,用理性的、有序的、系统的和冷静的方式研究人类及其行为。,3.We are obliged to them because some of these languages have since vanished,as the people who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages.我们之所以感激他们,是因为从此以后,这些语言中的一部分消失了,因为讲这些语言的人要么灭绝了,要么被同
23、化了,因而丧失了自己的语言。,附件2 翻译必备国家名和城市名,Rio De Janeiro n.里约热内卢Sao Paulo n.圣保罗Canada n.加拿大Canadian n.加拿大人 adj。加拿大的Ottawa n.渥太华(加拿大首都)Montreal n.蒙特利尔Vancouver n.温哥华(加拿大一港市)Toronto n.多伦多Chile n.智利,附件3 英语人名翻译附件4 历年常考翻译词组100组,英语一模拟题,Part CWild elephants roam across the crowded plains of India;forested river banks
24、 wind through cattle ranches in Brazil:a ribbon of green stretches across Europe where the Iron Curtain used to be.(46)Using such wildlife corridors to link up larger but isolated proected areas is the most widely adopted strategy for halting biodiversity decline,with tens of millions of dollars spe
25、nt creating and protecting them every year.But has enthusiasm for a neat idea got ahead of the science?,46.利用这种野生动物走廊将大片被隔开的保护区连接起来是现今最广泛才用的遏制生物多样性衰退的策略,每年要花费数千万美元来创造和保护这些走廊。,The principle is simple.As wildlife habitat is broken into isolated fragments by farms,roads and settlements,we need to link
26、them up with corridors of green.(47)That way,even if the entire habitat cannot be re-created,old migration patterns can be revived,escape routes created ahead of climate change and-perhaps most crucially-isolated populations can interbreed,enhancing their genetic diversity and their resistance to ex
27、otic threats.,47.通过这种方式,即便不能重建完整的栖息地,老的迁徙模式也能恢复,在气候变化还没发生之前也能创造逃生路径也许最关键的是被隔开的生物群之间也能杂交,一次来提高它们的基因多样性,增强它们抵御外来入侵威胁的能力。,Recently,Paul Beier,a veteran conservation biologist from North Arizona University at Flagstaff,and his colleague Andrew Gregory,warned thatdespite much research,there is little evi
28、dence that conservation corridors work as intended.There is,they say,plenty of evidence that wild animals will move through corridors.But advocates of the corridors want,and claim,much more than this.(48)They say that animals dont just go for a walk in their conservation woods,but that they move per
29、manently and interbreed with neighboring populations.In this way corridors supposedly unite isolated,threatened populations into an interbreeding-and much more resilient-whole.,48.他们说动物们不只是在保护林里散步,而且他们还会永久的迁徙,与临近的动物群杂交。,Such claims sometimes hold up.In the United Kingdom,the expansion of Kielder For
30、est in the1950s and 1960s provided a link between isolated populations of threatened red squirrel,Genes from isolated populations have now leapfrogged through hundreds of forest fragmentsacross 100 kilometers and more.But the Kielder Forest is much wider than a conventional corridor.Few studies have
31、 looked for gene flow in genuine corridors:even fewer have found it.(49)One study that investigated the genetic diversity of small kangaroos in a narrow forest corridor crossing 4.5 kilometers of grazed grasslands in Queensland,Australia found that genetically distinct populations had persisted at e
32、ither end.Mixing was a myth.,49.有一项研究曾调查过小型袋鼠身上的基因多样性,这些小型袋鼠位于一条狭窄的森林走廊内,该走廊穿越澳大利亚昆士兰州一片4.5公里的放牧草原,该研究发现,基因截然不同的动物群存留在走廊的两端。,Other studies have shown that conservation corridors work.But most have looked at short corridors of 100 meters or so through largely natural landscape.(50)Just because specie
33、s can use and travel along short corridors in a natural setting does not mean that they will be successful dispersing along much longer corridors embedded in a large,heavily impacted landscape,says Gregory.Still less that such movements occur frequently enough to allow enough gene flow to occur so t
34、hat the connected habitat blocks function as one population.”,50.“物种能使用和穿梭于自然环境中的短走廊,并不意味着它们会成功的分布在更长的、位于大片深受人类影响的区域中的走廊各处。”,英语二模拟题,Part CEvery dream is a message from your unconscious self,expressed in a code which only you can understand and interpret.The images,colours,moods and terms of your dre
35、ams depend on your culture,upbringing,and your own understanding of things and values.,The first dreams which we have after falling asleep often revolve around the days events.We go through them,sorting out and discarding things we dont need to remember and gaining insight into those that we do.Ofte
36、n,we are inspired with suggestions that we can use dreams to remedy the situations that plague us by day.As we progress through the nights dreams,they may take up more fantastic qualities,offering fanciful experiences.These often pleasant images can relieve the stress of the day.But the dream we hav
37、e just before the awakening often contains the information the subconscious mind wants to make known to the conscious.And this information,if remembered,interpreted,and understood,can serve as an important tool in our lives.,每个梦都是来自你自身的潜意识的信号,这种信号通过只有你才能理解和解读的编码进行表达。你梦里的影像、色彩、情绪和措辞都取决于你自己的文化、教养和你自己对
38、事物的理解以及你的价值观。我们睡着后的第一批梦通常都与白天发生的事情有关。我们对这些事情进行整理、分类,然后丢弃那些我们不需要记住的事情,同时对那些我们需要记住的事情获得更深刻的理解。通常,我们受到这样一种观点的激励:我们可以利用梦境来补救白天国扰我们的处境。随着梦境的深入,它们可能会变得更加不可思议,给人带来梦匀的经历。这些通带情况下令人感到愉快的情境可以减轻白天的压力。但是我们醒来前所做的梦通常包合了潜意识想要传达给意识的信息。而且这样的信息如果被记住、理解和解读,就能成为我们生活中的一件重要的工具。,英语二模拟题,Part COn my last full day in Rio de J
39、aneiro,I wanted to see how the rest of the city lives,so I decided to visit a section of the slums,areas known for poverty and gang violence.Wouldnt it be funny if I got shot right before I left?No,it wouldnt be,but just dont tell my mom Im going.After a heartstopping drive up the sleep hills,we fin
40、nally arrive at one of the best restaurants in Rio,in the colorful slum buildings.,Not only is the view gorgeous,it also more accurately represents Rio than the main tourist sites.This is a city made up of contrasts.Standing on this roof,I see the contradiction of poverty and development all in one
41、snapshot.If I zoomed in,I would see the Brazilians that form one of the most diverse cities in the world.I would see the different shades of humanity mingled together and coexisting.,在里约热内卢的最后一天,我想去看看其他的里约人是如何生活的,所以我决定去游览一片贫民区,这片地区以贫穷和帮派暴力而闻名。万一我在离开前中枪是不是就不好玩了?不,确实点都不好玩,千万别告诉我老妈我会去。我们惴惴不安地沿着陡峭的山坡一路开
42、车前进,终于抵达了一家依偎在五颜六色的贫民区建筑群之间的餐馆,那是里约最好的餐馆之一。这里不仅风景迷人,而且比主要的旅游景点更能准确地代表里约。这是一个两极分化的城市。站在这屋顶上,在一个快照里贫困与发展的反差尽收眼底。如果我把相机的镜头拉近些,我会看到构成世界上最多元化的城市之一的巴西人。我会看到不同的人混杂并共存着。,英语二模拟题,Part CAn unremarked consequence of our new information age is that bad writing,chat speak text,millions of message board posts that
43、 come from and lead nowhere,are having a cheapening effect on all written content.Editors and news directors today worried about the Internet as their predecessors worried about radio and TV,and all now see the huge threat the Web represents to the way they distribute their product.,The idea that th
44、e practice and craft of writing can simply retool itself for the digital age overlooks the fact that the Web is giving rise to totally unique forms of expression,a writing that is different from the kind of traditionally found in books.For lovers of literary writing,who are now watching the marketpl
45、ace and Internet erode the remains of 19th century print culture,these assurances may not be particularly consoling.We have no choice but to accept them.Arguing against the forces of digitalization is as much a losing battle as cursing the coming of the evening tide.,新信息时代带来的一个不太引人注意的结果就是糟糕的写作、闲聊式的语