1、Fill in the missing words you heard.professor(0105hB3) #The third word you heard isnice(0201HB1) #The second word you heard ishonor(0201hc4) #The third word you heard isheard(0201hc4) #The second word you heard isroommate(0402ta3) #The last word you heard ispens(0109ha1) #The last word you heard iss
2、upposed(0210ta3) #The second word you heard isdifference(0201ta4) #The word between any and to isgive(0301ha3) #The word before you ismistake(0303hb1) #The word after a isimagine(0311ta1) #The second word you heard istake(0311ta2) #The second word you heard is140(0403hb5) #The number you heard ishav
3、ing(0501hb2) #The third word you heard iscalling(0505tb2) #The second word you heard isMarch(0505tb3) #The last word you heard is classified(0507tb1) #The word before ads is foreign(0507tb6) #The word between a and student is believe(0601ta3) #The third word you heard is certain(0607ta3) #The word b
4、etween not and I is waste(0609ha1) #The word after a is millions(0702tb6) #The word before of is physiological(0705ta2) #The word between good and effect is proper(0705hb3) #The word after the isfreedom(0707hb1) #The word before is isfinancial(0709hb2) #The word between for and aid is health(0806ha4
5、2) #The last word you heard ishospital(0807ta22) #The word after to is regards(0808ha41) #The last word you heard isweather(0810hb31) #The second word you heard is 6:30(0903ha41) #The time you heard is 2447.14(0506ha5) #The number you heard isspacious(0905hb22) #The word between as and as is 30(1007
6、tb2) #The quantity between issued and million is fulfilling(1011tb1) #The word before the issurprised(1103tb1) #The second word you heard is exactly(1106hb4) #The second word you heard issales(0308tb1) #The word after the is supermarket(0308ha3) #The last word you heard is 55,000(0401ta4) #The numbe
7、r of people is library(0401ta6) #The second word you heard is Europe(0407ha4) #The word before in isinexpensive(0701tb2) #The last word you heard is successful(0712ha1) #The word after most is Japanese(0801ta43) #The last word you heard is birthday(0806tb11) #The word between a and party is weekend(
8、0806ta22) #The word before with is invite(0806ta31) #The word between to and you is major(0910hb11) #The word between to and in isinterest(0910hb42) #The word before is ishigher(1112ha1) #The word after much is 5188(0102hb2) #The number between at and east isspeeding(0203hb5) #The word before on is
9、friends(0208tb2) #The last word you heard is employment(0209hb2) #The last word you heard is get(0212ha3) #The second word you heard ishappened(0301tb4) #The word before to is located(0302tb1) #The word between are and near is across(0302ta4) #The third word you heard ishere(0303tb1) #The word after
10、 isnt is thinking(0305tb4) #The last word you heard issuggestion(0305tb5) #The last word you heard is lowest(0410hb2) #The word before fare is like(0411ha1) #The word between be and tomorrow is 379.49(0506ha3) #The number you heard isintelligent(0807ha22) #The last word you heard isgrandma(0807hb42) #The word before this istraveling(0811hb22) #The last word you heard is68461236(0901ha52) #The telephone number is salary(0902ta32) #The word between of and you ispromise(0909tb31) #The second word you heard is appointment(0912tb32) #The last word you heard is