1、核心语法与长难句通关陈正康带你学母句微信公众陈正康博士编讲考研】(ID:djky66)微信公众号:顶尖考研(ID:djky66)-1-核心语法与长难句通关unusual animal husbandry technique to clonehumans,he ordered that federal funds not be usedfor such an experiment-although no one hadproposed to do so-and asked an independentpanel of experts chaired by Princeton PresidentH
2、arold Shapiro to report back to the White Housein 90 days with recommendations for a nationalpolicy on human cloning.微后公众写微信公众号预尖考研(ID:djky66)ID:dikv66)Example 3.Owing to the remarkable development inmass-communications,people everywhere are feelingnew wants and are being exposed to new customs andi
3、deas,while governments are often forced to introducestill further innovations for the reasons given above.-3核心语法与长难句通关第二节三大从句形容词性从微信公众号:顶尖考研(D:djky66)副词性从句三大从句微信公众号只尖考研主语从句宾语从句(ID:dk名词性从句表语从句同位语从句.4核心语法与长难句通关Unit one名词性从句wherethatwhen名词性从句引导词whatwhichwhether微信公众号顶尖考研母句1.(ID:djky66)What is harder to establish is whether theproductivity revolution that businessmen assumethey are presiding over is for real.母句2.The examples of Virtual Vineyards,A,and other pioneers show that a Web site selling theright kind of products with the right mix ofinteractivity,hospitality,and security will attract-5