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1、林海英英文简介林海英,著名作家。曾担任;世界日报;实习记者,下面是小编给大家整理的林海英英文简介,供大家参阅!林海音简介Lin Haiyin (1918 - 2023), female, Lin Haiyin, born in 1918 in Osaka, Japan, Taiwan Miaoli County head town people, native of Guangdong Jiaoling, famous writer. Served as the &World Daily& intern reporter, presided over the &United Daily New

2、s& supplement 10 years. Life has created a number of novels and short stories, the output is very impressive. One of the novel &South of the old things& (1960) is the most famous. She founded the pure literature press (1968-1995) called China's first literary professional publishing house, has p

3、ublished many well-known good book.林海音生平履历Lin Haiyin, born in 1918 in Osaka, Japan Osaka Seri town health hospital, the father of Lin Huanwen, Taiwan Miaoli County head of the town people, native of Guangdong Jiaoling; mother Lin Aizhen, Taiwan Banqiao people.In 1921, as parents moved to Beijing, Li

4、n Haiyin's childhood was spent in the ancient city of Beijing, where one scene was deeply imprinted on her heart and became another spiritual home outside of Taiwan. Famous representative of the &South of the old things& is Lin Haiyin with its gentle writing written in Beijing belongs to her chi

5、ldhood years of water.Lin Haiyin's growth years and most of the 20th century, 50's writers the same, have passed the old era of the May Fourth New Culture Movement. 16-year-old admitted to the Peking News College, while studying while studying internship journalists, 19-year-old graduate of

6、the &World Daily& reporter, editor, the main run women's news. And Lin Haiyin because of the work of the so, met a lifetime partner Xia Chengying. Two people in May 13, 1939 in the Peking Union Peace Hospital auditorium wedding, was the Peking cultural event. Married into the summer home Yonggua

7、ng Temple Street family.1948 thirty years old returned to Taiwan, and began to publish literary creation. In 1953, he was employed by the editor of the United Daily newspaper. She served as the editor of the &Associated Deputy& (1953-1963), with a keen literary touch to explore a considerable number

8、 of talents, and attached importance to Taiwanese writers such as Lin Huaimin, Huang Chunming, Zheng Qingwen, Zhong Lihe and so on. In addition, and encourage the Japanese writers, such as Yang Kui, Zhong Zhaizheng, Wen Xin, Chen Huiquan, Shi Cuifeng and so on, is an important promoter of Taiwan'

9、;s literature.Lin Haiyin's own creative harvest period, in the late 1950s, wrote a total of four novels: &Xiaoyun& &south of the old things& &spring& &Meng Zhu's journey&, and three short stories: &green algae And salted egg & marriage story & candle core &, the output is very impressive.In

10、1963, he left the editor for ten years, but this setback did not hit her, in 1968 she and several friends co-organized a literary magazine &pure literature monthly&. When she wrote this magazine, she had personally sent more than a hundred letters to the basic author of the newspaper, and her enthus

11、iasm and sincerity touched a lot of people. &Pure Literature Monthly& was well received, produced a lot of masterpiece. And she founded the pure literature press (1968-1995) called China's first literary professional publishing house, has published many well-known good books, such as Peng song t

12、ranslated &change the history of the book&, son of the prose Set &small sun& &harmonious life&, novel &blue and black& &rolling Liaohe& and so on for a long time. Lin Haiyin husband and wife He Fan wrote &glass mat& column more than three decades (1953-1984), as if a history of social development in

13、 Taiwan, pure literature special of these valuable information published &He Fan Collection&, this book and Won the book editor Jinding Award.In 1990, Lin Haiyin returned to Beijing for four and a half years, and became an important bridge between the two sides of literature exchange. She sent a ful

14、l set of pure literature series and pure literature monthly to Beijing China Modern Literature Museum, also called on the Taiwan publishing industry a large number of donations to enrich the Taiwan library; she served as &contemporary Taiwan famous writer masterpiece& consultant, a complete introduc

15、tion of Taiwan writers works. Lin Haiyin's literary achievements have also received the attention of Chinese mainland literary circles. Beijing Modern Chinese Literature Museum held &Lin Haiyin Symposium& in 1997 and 2023.林海音社会评价Comments pick1, . . However, Lin Haiyin works, it is special, has i

16、ts characteristics and distinctive style, because she is more stubborn to the subject only limited to a woman who, with a woman's eyes and meticulous observation to shape A world; the passage of time, social transformation, the vicissitudes of things, all through the woman's mind and body to look for performance. It can be said that she is almost no one woman is a hospice; it means that she describes the women are tasted disappointment, love setb


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