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1、国际货物销售合同范本第一部分特别条款NDITINS该特别条款不限制当事人双方作出另外的约定。These Specific Cnditins des nt prevent the parties frm agreeing ther terms r further details in b I-16 r in ne r mre annees.卖方:买方:SELLER:BUYER:地址(Address):地址(Address):电话(Tel):电话(Tel):传真(Fa):传真(Fa):电邮(E-mail):电邮(E-mail):联系人:联系人:CNTACT PERSN: CNTACT PERSN:

2、地址(Address):地址(Address):电话(Tel):电话(Tel):传真(Fa):传真(Fa):电邮(E-mail): 电邮(E-mail):本销售合同由第一部分的特别条款(相应的栏目中应填写了内容)和第二部分的一般条款组成,并受该两部分的约束。The present cntract f sale will be gverned by these Specific Cnditins (t the etent that the relevant bes have been cmpleted) and by the General Cnditins f Sale which cnsti

3、tute part II f this dcument.I-1销售的货物I-1 Gds sld货物的品名及规格descriptin f the gds若空白处不够填写,可使用附件。an anne may be used If there is insufficient space.I-2合同价款(第4条)I-2 CNTRACT PRICE (ART.4)货币:Currency:用数字表述的金额:用文字表述的金额:amunt in numbers: amunt in letters:I-3交货贸易术语I-3 DELIVERY TERMS推荐的贸易术语(依照20年国际贸易术语解释通则)Recmme

4、nded terms (accrding t Incterms 2021年): EW 工厂交货(E Wrks)指定地点(named place): FCA 货交承运人(Free Carrier)指定地点(named place): CPT 运费付至(Carriage Paid T )指定目的地(named place f destinatin): CIP 运费、保险费付至指定目的地:(Carriage and Insurance Paid T)named place f destinatin: DAF 边境交货(Delivered At Frntier)指定地点( named place):

5、DDU 未完税交货指定目的地:(Delivered Duty Unpaid) named place f destinatin: DDP 完税后交货指定目的地:(Delivered Duty Paid) named place f destinatin:其它贸易术语(依照20年国际贸易术语解释通则)ther terms (accrding t Incterms 2021年) FAS 船边交货指定装运港:(Free Alngside Ship) named prt f shipment: FB 船上交货指定装运港:(Free n Bard) named prt f shipment: CFR 成

6、本加运费指定目的港:(Cst and Freight) named prt f destinatin: CIF 成本、运费加保险费指定目的港:(Cst Insurance and Freight )named prt f destinatin: DES 目的港船上交货指定目的港:(Delivered E Ship) named prt f destinatin: DEQ 目的港码头交货指定目的港:(Delivered E Quay) named prt f destinatin:其它交货贸易术语:ther delivery terms:承运人(当需要时)CARRIER (where appli

7、cable)地址(Address):电话(Tel):传真(Fa):电邮(E-mail):联系人:CNTACT PERSN:地址(Address):电话(Tel):传真(Fa):电邮(E-mail):I-4交货时间I-4 TIME F DELIVERY(在此处注明卖方依照相应的贸易术语中第A4款的规定必须履行交付货物义务的日期或期限)Indicate here the date r perid (e.g. week r mnth) at which r within which the Seller must perfrm his delivery bligatins accrding t cl

8、ause A.4 f the respective Incterm.I-5买方对货物的检验(第3条)I-5 INSPECTIN F THE GDS BY BUYER (ART.3)装运之前(Befre shipment)天(date)检验地(place f inspectin):其它(ther):I-6货物所有权的保留(第7条)I-6 retentin f title (ART.7)是(YES)否(N)I-7付款条件(第5条)I-7NDITINS (ART.5)往来帐户付款(第5.1条) Payment n pen accunt (art.5.1)付款时间(如与第5.1条的规定不同)Time

9、fr payment (if different frm art.5.1):开出发票之日起天。其它:days frm date f invice. ther:开立需要即期担保或备用信用证保证的帐户(第5.5条) pen accunt backed by demand guarantee r standby letter f credit (art.5.5)预先付款(第5.2条) Payment in advance (art.5.2)日期(如与第5.2条规定不同):总价款合同价款的%Date (if different frm art.5.2): Ttal price % f the pric

10、e跟单托收(第5.5条) Dcumentary Cllectin (art.5.5)付款交单(D/P Dcuments against payment )承兑交单(D/A Dcuments against acceptance)不可撤销的跟单信用证(第5.3条) Irrevcable dcumentary credit (art.5.3)保兑(Cnfirmed)非保兑(Uncnfirmed)发出地(如适用时)Place f issue (if applicable):保兑地(如适用时)Place f cnfirmatin (if applicable):款项的取得(Credit availab

11、le):即期付款(By payment at sight)延期付款(By deferred payment at):天(days)承兑汇票(By acceptance f drafts at):天(days)议付(By negtiatin)部分装运(Partial shipments):允许(Allwed)不允许(Nt allwed)转运(Transhipment):允许(Allwed)不允许(Nt allwed)必须向卖方通知跟单信用证的日期(如果与第5.3条不同):交货日前天其它:Date n which the dcumentary credit must be ntified t se

12、ller (if different frm art.5.3) days befre date f delivery ther:其它(ther):比如:采用支票、银行汇票、电子资金转让至卖方指定的银行帐户。(e.g. cheque, bank draft, electrnic funds transfer t designated bank accunt f seller)I-8单证I-8 DCUMENTS(在此处注明卖方提供的单证。建议当事人对照其在特别条款第I-3款中选定的贸易术语。)Indicate here dcuments t be prvided by Seller. Partie

13、s are advised t check the Incterm they have selected under I-3 f these Specific Cnditins.装运单证(Transprt dcuments):注明要求提交的装运单证的类型(indicate type f transprt dcument required )商业发票(Cmmercial Invice)原产地证书(Certificate f rigin)装箱单(Packing list)检验证书(Certificate f inspectin)保险单(Insurance dcument)其它单证(ther):I-

14、9解除合同日期I-9 CANCELLATIN DATE(当双方要修改第10.3条时,才应填写)t be cmpleted nly if the parties wish t mdify article 10.3不论何种原因(包括不可抗力),如果货物在年月日之前不能交付,买方有权通知卖方立即解除合同。If the gds are nt delivered fr any reasn whatsever (including frce majeure) by (date) the Buyer will be entitled t CANCEL THE CNTRACT IMMEDIATELY BY N

15、TIFICATIN T THE SELLER.I-10迟延交货责任(第10.1、10.4和11.3条)I-10 LIABILITY FR DELAY (art.10.1,10.4 AND 11.3)(当双方当事人要修改第10.1、10.4和11.3条时,才应填写)t be cmpleted nly if the parties wish t mdify art.10.1,10.4 r 11.3迟延交付货物约定的损害赔偿金应为:迟延交付货物价款的%/周,比较高不超过迟延交付货物价款的%。Liquidated damages fr delay in delivery shall be:%(f price f delayed gds) per week, with a maimum f %(f price f delayed gds)或者(r):(注明具体金额)(specify amunt).如果因迟延交货终止合同,卖方迟延交货应支付的赔偿金限制为未交付货物价款的%.In case f terminatin fr delay, Sellers liabil


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