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1、Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?澧田中学 英语 王桂花单元教学分析(单元教材分析和学生已有水平分析)本单元的中心话题是运用情态动词谈论自己在某一方面所具有的能力。整个单元的内容是围绕情态动词 can 展开的。通过本单元的学习,使学生能够运用情态动词can 表达自己在某一方面所具有的才能,谈论自己的喜好与意愿,能够自荐或参加各种课外俱乐部,并制作海报,而且学会写出招聘广告.并让学生在实践中学会和使用目标语,鼓励学生积极参加各种课外活动,培养学生的多方面才能及团队精神。教学目标(以能做什么来描述):1) 知识目标:A学习重点词汇:dance, swim,sing,p

2、lay,chess paint,speakJapanese, play the guitar,art music,guitar, drum,piano,trumpet,violinB掌握情态动词 can 的肯定句和否认句、情态动词can 的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句及肯否认答复;C学会制作招聘广告2) 能力目标:A学会运用情态动词谈论自己的喜好与意愿;B运用情态动词can 谈论自己在某一方面所具备的才能;C成立同学们自己喜爱的各种俱乐部并为其制作海报。3) 情感目标:通过实践让学生体验学习英语的乐趣,并能勇于展示自己的才能,通过小组活动谈论彼此的特长与爱好。指导学习积极与他人交流,相互学习,相互帮

3、助,培养团队精神。课时划分:第一课时 Section A 1a-1c第二课时 Section A 2a-4第三课时 Section B 1a-3c第四课时 Section B Self-check 3 Period1 SectionA一、教学目标:目标:1.Can use the verbs of activity such as sing, dance, swim . and verb phrases expressing abilities.2.Can express personal abilities3.Can master the usage of the modal verb ca

4、n indicating ability二、知识与技能:1.认识常见的乐器(guitar piano )2.学会谈论自己的能力.( swim sing dance )三、过程与方法:对话,小组活动语言来源于现实生活,学习本节课从而启发学生在课余培养其它方面的能力。四、重点句型:1.-Can you dance - Yes ,I can ./No ,I cant .2.-What club do you want to join-I want to join the music club. 3.-What can you do -I can play the piano.4-Why do you

5、 want to join the club -Because its interesting .五、教学过程Period1Step1 Leading-in1. Present the new language .A: I like playing basketball. I can play basketball. Can you/your sister /your friends play basketballB: Yes, I /she/they can. No, I /she/they cant.Perform actions or show cards to present some

6、 other verbs such as dance ,swim ,play the guitar .paint ,speak English , play chess etc .2.Let the students practice the conversations in groups. Talk about their abilities. A: What can you doB: I canStep2 exericeTask 1 : What can they do Match and listen( 1a ,1b)Task 2 :Memory game : What can he d

7、o Step3 presentation1. Present the target language . T:I can swim ,so I want to join the swimming club . And also I find there are a lot of different clubs here , Can you name them 从而呈现出各类俱乐部的名称。Such as. Art club ,English club,Swimming club ,Chess Club ,Dancing Club ,and Guitar Club .(write the club

8、s on the Bb )T: What club do you want to join (helps the Ss answer ) Ss : I want to join the music club T: Can you sing Ss: Yes, I can / No ,I cant 2.Let the students practice the conversations in pairs .3.let the Ss act 4.Listen to the tape. Circle the clubs.5.Listen to the tape again ,Fill in the

9、blanks.Step4 1. If you want to join a club ,what questions can you answer /can they ask a. Whats your name b. What club do you want to join c. What can you do d. Why do you want to join the club2. Divide the class into several groups .They stand for different clubs .Every group chooses two students

10、as club leaders ,the others are volunteers who want to join the clubs .HomeworkMake a survey with the drill Can youCan Sing Dance Swim Paint Play the chessPlay basketballSpeak English Father Mother 板书设计 Unit 10 Can you play the guitar Section A生词:guitar, dance, swim, sing, chess, speak, cant, job, c

11、hildren, kid, summer, camp重点句型:Can you swim/paint/sing Yes, I can./No, I cant. Can you/he/she/you dance/ Yes, I /he/she/we can. No, I/he/she/we cant. What club do you want to join I want to joinclub.语法重点:情态动词can的肯定句、否认句和疑问句的构成。Period2话题: Your ability目标: 1. Can use “can to describe ones ability 2.Can

12、 communicate with classmate to improve the ability of talking .3.To be the manage of one club重难点:1、要求掌握以下句式 (1)-Can he /she paint /speak English -Yes, he/she can. /No, he/she cant. (2) -What can you do-I can play the guitar. (3) -Can you play it well -No, I cant.2、要求掌握以下词汇: 名词:kid 形容词性物主代词:ourStep1

13、:warming upActivity 1:(1) Daily greetings to the students(日常问候) Activity 2(2) Revision(复习) T: (从复习中来)What can you do/ Can you sing S: I can play the guitar.T: What club do you want to joinS: I want to join the music club.T: What about you(to the other students)Ask individual students.Step 2:Presatat

14、ion T: Today we are going to be the manager of the club . We have to inlarge our member of our club . 1.To tell what we can do in different clubs2.Interview 3.good hearing Step 3:Group work. (Work on 3b)(完成P61,3b的对话局部)T: Work on groups of four. Make up similar conversations. Please write down the answers in the form.(First do a sample with a student)Namecanwell not well Li LeiswimMarysingStep 4:GroupworkT: Now you are middle school students. You can swim You can sing. You can do many things. But they cant. They are only kids.(show a picture of a group of kids to the students) They a


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