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1、转型中的A建筑材料企业成本管控研究摘 要从我国改革开放至今,经济高速发展带动了企业的发展,随着国内和国际环境的变化,资源、环保、劳动保护等各种情况相应改变,企业在劳动力、能源运输、环保等方面巨额的投入致使企业的成本攀升,使企业面临前所未有的高成本压力。同时由于企业间的竞争日趋激烈,更多的企业以打价格战来扩大市场份额,以求在市场竞争中谋求一席之地。这些因素,使企业的利润空间越来越小,在产品同质的情况下,企业要提升自己利润空间,求得生存与发展,有效的成本管控必须成为企业管理的重中之重。自2009年以来,受全球性经济危机影响,国内房地产市场低迷,A建筑材料企业虽然合同产值有所增加,但是企业的利润持续


3、作用,从而在竞争日益激烈的市场上站稳脚跟,帮助公司争取更多的市场份额,从而实现健康持续的发展。关键词:建筑企业;材料;成本控制RESEARCH ON COST CONTROL OF A CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENTERPRISES IN TRANSITIONABSTRACTSince Chinas reform and opening up, the rapid economic development has driven the development of the enterprise, with the change of the domestic and in

4、ternational environment, resources, environmental protection, labor protection and other conditions change, enterprises in labor, energy transportation, environmental protection and other aspects of the huge investment in enterprise cost rise, the enterprise faces the hitherto unknown pressure of hi

5、gh cost. At the same time, as the competition among enterprises is becoming more and more fierce, more and more enterprises will expand their market share by price war, so as to seek a place in the market competition. These factors make the enterprise profit space more and more small, the products a

6、re homogeneous, enterprises should improve their profit margins, to seek survival and development, effective cost control must become a priority among priorities of enterprise management. Since 2009, affected by the global economic crisis, the domestic central air-conditioning market downturn, A bui

7、lding materials enterprises although the annual output has increased, but sales income is not as good as before, corporate profits continued low, profit margins continue to shrink. Facing the complex economic environment, the traditional cost control system of A building materials enterprises have b

8、een inadequate, defects areobvious: mainly reflected backward in the traditional cost management concept, lack of strategic vision; the traditional cost control is the main production process within the enterprise, pay attention to the production process cost control and afterwards cost accounting;

9、the traditional cost management system is difficult to meet mufti objective requirements. Whether from sales, R & D technology, production processes, logistics or administrative links exist certain problems, so the overall cost management, emphasizes the entire process of cost management, the fu

10、ture needs of the more suitable for the development of enterprises.Using the theory of cost management and research, system analysis and A building materials enterprise cost management research on the status quot and existing problems, put forward the optimization scheme of the company cost control,

11、 hoping to strengthen cost control management, correct calculation and reduce the production cost to play the role of A in building materials enterprises, so as to gain a foothold in the central air conditioning the increasingly fierce market competition, help the company to gain more market share,

12、so as to realize the healthy and sustainable development.Key words: construction enterprises; materials; cost control目录第一章绪论11.1研究背景11.2研究意义31.3研究方法4第二章文献综述62.1国外相关研究现状62.2国内相关研究现状7第三章相关理论及发展现状93.1相关理论93.2中国建筑材料市场发展概况113.3中国建筑材料行业中的成本控制现状13第四章A建筑材料企业现状分析144.1 A建筑材料企业概况144.2 A建筑材料企业面临的问题154.3主要原因分析16

13、第五章A建筑材料企业成本管控的解决对策195.1加强工程成本核算管理195.2建立企业内部审计制度215.3提高工作人员素质,培育复合型人才215.4优化企业成本控制责任体系22第六章A建筑材料企业成本控制具体措施256.1改进设计总思路256.2 A建筑材料企业成本控制方法和实践266.2 A建筑材料企业成本控制的成效276.4实施成本控制改进措施的体会28第七章结论和展望347.1结论347.2展望34参考文献35致谢37攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录38第一章绪论1.1研究背景1.1.1市场背景我国房地产在“十一五”期间经历着不断发展,据相关数据显示,在这个阶段里全国房地产建筑涉及到的土




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