1、学校代码:10036 同等学力人员硕士学位论文银行保险开展的影响因素分析培养单位:保险学院专业名称:金融学研究方向:应用经济学作 者:指导教师:论文日期:二一三年三月学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文所涉及的研究工作做出重要奉献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律责任由本人承当。特此声明学位论文作者签名: 年 月 日学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文作者签名: 年 月 日导师签名: 年 月 日摘 要目前银行保险是
3、要建立共同的长远规划与目标,共同监管与合作,探索产品、渠道和内部管理的优良策略。推动我国保险业快速增长的主要因素有:民众的收入是否是持续的增长、银行与保险的产业结构是否正确,是否符合我国的国情、民众接受教育的情况等。通过保险理论,对限制我国保险开展的原因进行分析,并使用理论计量方法制作成限制我国保险开展原因的表图,最后通过研究而得出结果。本文为五个局部,对影响我国银行保险开展的因素进行了分析,同时予以深刻剖析,从而找到我国银行保险开展的相应对策。关键词:银行保险;影响因素;对策建议AbstractStrategy of bank insurance mutual penetration in
4、the current market view that the insurance company and the bank, postal and other financial institutions to implement and fusion, and through the connection of the assets, integration and sales channels and customer resources sharing, an arrangement to provide banking and insurance products and serv
5、ices.Competition in the finance and insurance industry is becoming increasingly fierce and the accession to the WTO situation, the bank insurance such as western developed countries generally adopt effective insurance marketing has become Chinas banks and insurance companies to open up new markets,
6、improve the important development strategy of profit rate. But since 2023, the insurance business of our country bank rate traffic fluctuations, shows that the insurance market of our country bank is not very mature, the basis for cooperation between banks and insurance companies is not strong. Fact
7、ors affecting the healthy development of the insurance business of Chinas banks is system, market, culture and other external factors, and the company philosophy, products, sales channels, technical service and other internal factors. To strengthen the supervision cooperation, building strategic all
8、iance, make salary incentive system, speed up product transformation and innovation, implementation of Bancassurance network is an effective strategy for the healthy development of banking insurance business.According to the insurance theories, this paper analyzes some factors affecting and restrict
9、ing the development of Chinas insurance industry, and the use of econometric methods measurement model factors in the development of Chinas insurance industry influence construction. Through empirical results, sustained and stable growth of income, industrial structure gradual rationalization, and h
10、igher level of education is the main factors driving the rapid growth of Chinas insurance industry. This paper is divided into five parts, the factors that affect the development of Bancassurance in China are analyzed, at the same time be a profound analysis, the corresponding countermeasures in ord
11、er to find the development of Bancassurance in china.Keywords: Bank insurance; influence factors; countermeasures and suggestions目 录第一章 问题的提出1选题背景1研究意义2研究框架1第二章 文献综述4国外银行保险开展模式4世界银行业三种模式4美国花旗银行保险开展4国外银行保险业开展困境5我国银行保险开展环境9银行保险在中国的现状分析10我国银行保险未来开展思路10第三章 研究设计13变量与模型关系形式的选择13参数估计、检验及预测13我国银行保险开展特点15第四章
12、 实证因素分析17经济开展水平17政府态度18法律环境19文化环境19第五章 结论与建议21开发适销的银行保险产品21加快技术开发,建立和维护的网络信息系统21加强从业人员的业务培训和市场营销力度22金融控股公司的实现模式22现阶段逐步放松分业监管,建立金融控股公司的防火墙制度23逐步建立混业监管的法律体系,加强金融监管机构的协调运作23参考文献25第一章 问题的提出我国银行与保险的合作时间比欧洲国家的时间要晚很多。中国银行保险在2023年才开始实行。中国银行保险实行时间晚,但是开展速度很快。我国银行与保险的合作从开始到现在有三个过程,分别是探索、快速开展、缓慢开展。全国各大银行为适应市场环境