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1、一年级下册英语英语四年级 上册英语四年级上册义务教育教科书绿 色 印 刷 产 品 义务教育教科书YINGYUYIWU JIAOYU JIAOKESHU三年级起点(三年级起点)四年级上册英语四年级上册新版英语四年级上-环境标.indd 12013.7.12 3:18:59 PM义 务 教 育 教 科 书英语(精通)人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所英 语 课 程 教 材 研 究 开 发 中 心泛 太 平 洋 教 育 出 版 有 限 公 司编著(中 国)(新加坡)四年级上册(三年级起点)北 京Copyright 2013 by Peoples Education Press Ltd.and Pan P

2、acific Educational Press Ltd.No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without permission in writing from the publisher.版权共有,未经出版社书面同意,任何人不得以任何形式或方式复制或转换本作品的任何部分。主 编:郝建平 ChaileeDodds副主编:李静纯 陈 力主要编写人员:郝建平 李静纯 HeatherJonesChaileeDodds 陈 力 刘 岩 吴悦心责任编辑:丁连普美

3、术编辑:JoyceLee版式设计:新加坡泛太平洋教育出版有限公司插图:何安冉(封面)MatthewCole 严 峥义务教育教科书 英语(三年级起点)四年级 上册(中 国)人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所英 语 课 程 教 材 研 究 开 发 中 心 编著(新加坡)泛 太 平 洋 教 育 出 版 有 限 公 司出版网(北京市海淀区中关村南大街 17 号院 1 号楼 邮编:100081)址 http:/ 版权所有未经许可不得采用任何方式擅自复制或使用本产品任何部分违者必究如发现内容质量问题,请登录中小学教材意见反馈平台:如发现印、装质量问题,影响阅读,请与 联系调换。电话:-陈 力致同学亲爱的同学们

4、:你们好!大家就要开始四年级的英语学习啦!朋友们又见面了,大家都很开心!更让人高兴的是,这学期又来了几位新朋友。看!Peter 和 Li Yan 正在介绍他们的新朋友,你知道 Jim 和 Sue 来自哪个国家吗?让我们在听对话、读故事、做表演、唱歌曲、诵歌谣、做事情的快乐学习中来慢慢认识他们吧!在本书六个单元中,我们将一起学习如何用英语介绍自己的朋友、谈论数字、谈论水果和蔬菜、谈论天气和服装、描述人物和动物的外貌特征等内容。每个单元最后的复习课,仍有大家喜欢的趣味小故事(Fun story)。Lisa 遇到一个“10 +10 =10”的数学题,这是怎么回事呢?小猫 Mimi 居然敢吃棒球棒,这

5、令小猴子 Micky 大惑不解。如果你能认真地阅读这些小故事,就会明白其中的原因了。每个单元最后还特别为同学们总结归纳了本单元的语言知识要点(Language Focus),大家可以用它来检查自己在听说读写和运用语言知识方面是否达到了要求。本书的两个快乐时光(Fun Time)部分,是继续让同学们结合听、说、玩、演、唱和真实交流等多种形式,综合复习和运用前面所学的知识,合作完成一项综合的项目实践活动(Project),相信同学们会为自己能够真实使用英语而感到自豪!本书的两个文化桥(Cultural link)栏目给大家介绍的是几个国家的首都和西方国家的重要节日“圣诞节”。知道学什么很重要,知道

6、如何学更重要。我们鼓励大家通过多听、多说、多读、多模仿、多实践,学会自主学习、自主思考,学会相互合作,不仅能积极参加课堂活动,还要善于抓住实际生活中的各种机会,尝试用英语表达自己的想法。我们相信,通过本学期的努力,你们的英语水平和运用英语的能力一定会有很大提高!为帮助同学们更好地学习,我们还准备了活动手册、录音带、单词卡片、多媒体光盘等辅助学习材料,大家可以根据自己的需要在老师和家长的指导下选择使用。祝愿同学们在新学期的英语学习中硕果累累,取得更大进步!编 者2013 年 5 月ABCDEContentsThis is my new friend.2Unit 126Its a pineappl

7、e.Unit 344Hows the weather today?Unit 456I like those shoes.Unit 568Im tall.Unit 614Whats your number?Unit 238Fun Time 188Vocabulary86Words in each unit80Fun Time 2Lesson 1Just talkHi,Peter!Glad to meet you.Nice to see you again!Nice to see you,too!Hi,Gao Wei!13This is my new friend.57Hello!Im Jim.I

8、m from America.6422This is my new friend.Unit 1ChinaAmericaEnglandLets playIm from China.Just read and writeNice to meet you.Nice to meet you.2 2Im Andy.Im Andy.Im from America.Im from America.1 1Hi!Im Mimi.Hi!Im Mimi.Im from China.Im from China.3Lesson 2Just talkWere good friends!Yeah!Im from Canad

9、a.Hi!Im Jim.Im from America.1Im Rani.Im from Singapore.2Where are you from?3Im fromBeijing,China.454SingaporeCanadafriendsLets singWhere are you from?Im from Singapore.Just read and writeWhere are you from?5Lesson 3Mum!This is my new friend,Jim.Whos this girl?Shes my sister.Just talkWhos this boy?He

10、s my brother.Welcome to our home,Jim!1253466Lets playboygirlLets play a game!Whos this girl?Shes my sister.Guess!Whos this boy?31Gao Wei?4OK!2Just read and writeWhos this boy?Hes my brother.7Lesson 4Look,Gao Wei!This is my father.Wow!Hes cool!What does your father do?Just talkNo,hes a teacher.13Gues

11、s!46Is he a driver?528teacherfarmerpostmanLets actA teacher!Hes a teacher!Right!Guess!What does he do?What does your father do?Hes a teacher.Just read and write43219Lesson 5Oh,great!Just talkLook!This is my mother.What does your mother do?Oh,shes beautiful!Shes a doctor.1345210doctornursedriverWhat

12、does your mother do?Shes a doctor.My father is a doctor.My mother is a nurse.My uncle is a postman.My aunt is a driver.Just read and writeLets chant11Lesson 6Read and act.Oh,your father is a policeman.Look,Jim!Thats my father.My mum is a TV reporter.What does your father do?Fun storyOh,cool!Guess!No

13、!Is he a teacher?No!Oh!Be careful.Thank you.Revision1234568910111213A doctor?712Listen and number.Lets checkIm from China.Where are you from?Im from Singapore.Whos this boy?Hes my brother.Whos this girl?Shes my sister.What does your father do?Hes a teacher.What does your mother do?Shes a doctor.Amer

14、ica EnglandSingapore Canadaboy girlpostman driverChina good friendbrother sisterteacher farmerdoctor nurseLanguage FocusLanguage FocusSKILLS:Listen Speak Read Write13Lesson 7Hi,Kate.This is my new friend,Sue.Im in Class One,Grade Four.Just talkHi,Sue.Pleased to meet you!2Which class are you in?46Im

15、in Class Two,Grade Three.How about you?51Pleased to meet you,too.314Unit 2Whats your number?NameClassGradeNameClassGradeWhats your name?Which class are you in?Im in Class Two,Grade Four.Which class are you in?Im in Class One,Grade Four.classgradeMy names Jim.Li Yan13Jim24Lets play1342Just read and w

16、rite15Lesson 8Just talkOne,two,three,go!One,two,three,go!Im number fourteen.Im number fourteen.Im number thirteen.Im number thirteen.1 1Whats your number?Whats your number?4 4Whats your number?Whats your number?2 23 35 516thirteenfourteenLine up!Line up!Ten!Ten!Eleven!Eleven!Twelve!Twelve!Thirteen!Thirteen!Fourteen!Fourteen!Start counting Start counting from 10 to 14!from 10 to 14!Lets playJust read and writeWhats your number?Im number thirteen.17Lesson 9Whats one and two?Its three.Um its fiftee


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