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1、四年级下册(三年级起点)英语盲 校 义 务 教 育 实 验 教 科 书人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所英 语 课 程 教 材 研 究 开 发 中 心编著北 京主 编:吴 欣 副 主 编:曹 洁本册主编:马剑辉主要编写人员:马剑辉 方雪娟 刘晓燕 吴 欣 张秋兰 徐洪妹(以姓氏笔画为序)责任编辑:杨春玲美术编辑:王 喆盲校义务教育实验教科书 英语(三年级起点)四年级 下册人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所英 语 课 程 教 材 研 究 开 发 中 心 编著出版发行 (北京市海淀区中关村南大街17号院1号楼 邮编:100081)网 址 http:/经 销 全国新华书店印 刷 印刷厂版 次 年 月第 版

2、印 次 年 月第 次印刷开 本 1/16印 张字 数 千字书 号 ISBN978-7-107-33815-1定 价 元价格依据文件号:京发改规 2016 13号 版权所有 未经许可不得采用任何方式擅自复制或使用本产品任何部分 违者必究如发现内容质量问题,请登录中小学教材意见反馈平台:如发现印、装质量问题,影响阅读,请与本社联系。电话:400-810-5788致同学亲爱的同学们:你们好!欢迎你们来到英语学习的世界。在这本书里你们会看到盲童刘云的学校。Mike也会介绍自己的作息时间,猜猜看和你们的相同吗?Mike和Sarah去参观农场了,他们都看到了什么?赶快打开书和他们一起去看、去听,一起学习和

3、成长吧。这本书为你们准备了许多有趣的对话、故事和歌曲,还有你们喜欢的游戏和活动。你们会发现学英语是一件很开心的事。你们不但能读、写更多的单词,还会学习写句子呢!你们能读懂英语小故事,能学会用英语和别人交谈,还能学会唱更多的英语歌曲和歌谣。你们有时候可能听不懂也说不好,写单词或句子时会出错,别着急。你们上课要认真听讲,多模仿录音,要努力学唱英语歌曲、歌谣,还要积极参加英语活动。你们肯定能说得更棒、写得更好。要记住:别害羞,别放弃,大胆地说,大声地唱!亲爱的同学们,愿你们和书里的小主人公成为好朋友,一起度过这快乐美好的学习时光。编者2019年9月CONTENTSMain characters 1U

4、nit 1 Welcome to our school!2Unit 2 What time is it?12Unit 3 It is cold outside.22Unit 4 They are at the farm.32Unit 5 Whose coat is this?42Unit 6 How much is this skirt?52Appendix:Vocabulary 62Main charactersAmya girl from the UKZhang Penga boy from ChinaSaraha girl from the USAWu Binbina boy from

5、ChinaChen Jiea girl from ChinaMikea boy from CanadaJohna boy from the USALiu Yuna girl from ChinaMs Whitean English teacherZipa squirrelZooma bearMain characters 12 英语 四年级下册Unit 1 Welcome to our school!A Lets talkListen,read and talk.场景说明:Mike询问教师办公室在哪儿。Mike:Excuse me,wheres the teachers office?Man:

6、Its on the second floor.Mike:Thanks.Mike:Hello,is this the teachers office?Woman:No,it isnt.The teachers office is next to the library.Mike:Hi,Ms White!Heres my homework.Ms White:Thank you,Mike.Play a memory game.活动说明:教学楼一楼是Classroom 1和Library,二楼对应的位置是Classroom 2和Teachersoffice。请同学们凭记忆就位置进行问答。A:Wher

7、es the library?B:Its on the first floor.A:Is it next to Classroom 1?B:Yes,it is.Unit 1 Welcome to our school!3A Lets learn new wordsListen,read and say.场景说明:Amy和Chen Jie看教学楼示意图:一层有美术教室和普通教室;二层有图书馆和教师办公室。first floor art room classroomsecond floor teachers office libraryChen Jie:Wheres the library?Amy

8、:Its on the second floor.Listen and do.Go to the library.Read a book.Go to the teachers office.Say hello.Go to the playground.Play football.Go to the garden.Water the flowers.4 英语 四年级下册A Lets spell Read,listen and chant.water tiger sister computer dinner Read,listen and clap.活动说明:听到含er发音的单词后拍手er sis

9、ter note rice ruler under me number use computer face Listen and write.my sisters No near the .Unit 1 Welcome to our school!5B Lets talk Listen,read and talk.场景说明:盲童Liu Yun带Chen Jie和Mike参观盲校。Liu Yun:Welcome to our school!This is my classroom.Chen Jie:Its so big!How many students are there in your cl

10、ass?Liu Yun:Ten students.Mike:Is that the computer room?Liu Yun:No,it isnt.Its the teachers office.Mike:Do you have a library?Liu Yun:Yes,we do.Its on the second floor.This way,please.Play a card game.活动说明:准备四张卡片computer room、library、teachers office和classroom。一位同学先确定四张卡片的位置,另一位同学通过问答摆出这四张卡片。A:Do you

11、 have a computer room?B:Yes,we do.A:Where is it?B:Its on the second floor.6 英语 四年级下册B Lets learn new words Listen,read and say.场景说明:Liu Yun在学校模型前为Mike作介绍。computer room art room music room gym playgroundLiu Yun:This is my school.Mike:Cool!Do you have a music room?Liu Yun:Yes,we do.Its on the first fl

12、oor.Role-play.Visitor:Do you have a gym?Student:No,we dont.Visitor:Do you have a computer room,then?Student:Yes,we do.Its on the first floor.替换词汇 art room computer room gym library music room Unit 1 Welcome to our school!7B Read and write Read and fill in the table.ComputerRoomClassroom2GymMusic Roo

13、m1.Do you have a library?Yes.The library is on the second floor.2.Where is the teachers office?The teachers office is next to Classroom 2.3.Do you have an art room?Yes.The art room is next to the gym.4.Where is Classroom 1?Classroom 1 is under the teachers office.Read and write.活动说明:先正确抄写例句,再根据情景要求书

14、写句子。写句子时需注意单词之间要空方。图一:John指着近处的图书馆介绍。This is the library.图二:Sarah指着远处的操场介绍。That is the playground.Choose a place in your school and write a sentence about it.8 英语 四年级下册C Lets check Listen and say True or False.1.There are five students in our class.2.The teachers office is next to the art room.3.We

15、dont have a music room.4.The computer room is on the second floor.Read and choose.图片说明:一个学校教学楼模型,一层有:1.图书馆 2.教室 3.教师办公室;二层有:4.计算机房 5.音乐教室 6.美术教室。A computer roommusic roomart roomlibraryclassroomteachers officeBcomputer roommusic roomart roomlibraryteachers officeclassroomLets singUnit 1 Welcome to o

16、ur school!9C Story time场景说明:河马老师带着Zoom和Zip参观学校。Mr Hippo:Welcome to our school!This is the library.Zip:I like storybooks.Mr Hippo:This is the gym.Zoom:Is that the lunchroom?Mr Hippo:Yes,it is.Zoom:Mmm.Zip:Is this the computer room?Mr Hippo:No,its not.Its the teachers office.Mr Hippo:Its time for lunch.But where is Zoom?Zip:Zoom?I know!Zoom:Im full.10 英语 四年级下册New words(注:黑体词要求能够听、说、认读;白体词只作听、说要求;加*的词选学。)first floor 一楼 second floor 二楼 teachers office 教师办公室 library 图书馆 computer room 计算机房 art room 美术


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