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1、2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1All of a sudden, the thief walking behind a young and pretty lady _ her purse, _into the crowd.Aseizing; rushedBseized; rushedCseizing; rushingDs

2、eized; rushing2Lifting off at sunrise, the hot air balloon goes wherever the wind blow.AmayBmustCneedDshould3That student admitted in the math exam, that he would never do that again in the future.Ato have cheated, promisingBcheating, promisedCto cheating, promisedDhaving cheated, promising4What abo

3、ut going to see the latest Chinese sci-fi blockbuster The Wandering Earth?_. If time permits, I may go to see my grandma with my mother.ADont mention itBIt doesnt matterCForget itDIt depends5Little about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.Adid Rose careBRose did careCRose does ca

4、reDdoes Rose care6All children should get access to a high-quality education _ their race, zip code or family income.Adepending onBregardless ofCdue toDapart from7The Lifelong Learning Programme _ to enable people to take part in learning experiences has taken off across Europe.Ahaving been designed

5、Bbeing designedCdesignedDdesigning8- Where is your new home now?- In the new developed zone. But I _ downtown for five years.AlivedBhad livedChave livedDwas living9-Late again!Where_?-Sorry,I_ in the heavy traffic,or I would have been here earlier.Awere you;have got stuckBhave you been;have got stuc

6、kCwere you;got stuckDhave you been;got stuck10To fetch water before breakfast seemed to me a rule _.Ato never breakBnever to have brokenCnever to be brokenDnever to be breaking11Tom is proud and _, never admitting he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame.AstrictBstubbornCsympatheticD

7、sensitive12You can get off the bus one or two stops _ and walk the rest of the way to work every day so as to take some exercise.Amore earlyBearliestCearlyDearlier13_ flag-raising ceremony was held at the Golden Bauhinia Square on July 1 to celebrate _ 17th anniversary of Hong Kongs return to China.

8、AA; /BA; theCThe; theD/; the14We must _ the time that youve wasted this afternoon by working late to-night.Amake up forBmake outCdo upDmake up to15The disabled guy was attended throughout his school day by a nurse _ to guard him.Ato appointBappointedCappointingDhaving appointed16_ the oil under the

9、sea, the company has raised ample funds to develop petroleum exploration equipment.AExploiting BHaving exploitedCTo exploit DExploited17 Catherine, will you visit us this weekend?I planned to, but something unexpected .Ahas come upBwas coming upChad come upDwould come up18You have a big mouth,Tom. Y

10、ou have told everybody the secret.AshouldntBmustntCcantDmightnt19You look frozenSit down by the fire and I you some hot teaAmakeBwas makingCmadeDwill make20-I apologize for not being able to join you for dinner.-_. Well get together later.AGo aheadBThats rightCNot to worry.DDont mention it第二部分 阅读理解(

11、满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)According to a Pew Research Center report from November 2013, “71% of those 10-18 turn to the internet as a main news source.” Another Pew report found from 2012 says that on an average day, 29 percent of young people were “newsless” meaning they did not

12、get any news, from traditional platforms, mobile phones, or even social networks.Despite the fact that both my husband and I are in journalism, my husband as a design editor and myself as a writer, I have often wondered if our four sons would grow up to read printed pages with their own children som

13、eday.I got my answer last week when my failure to renew us living in a newspaper desert for two weeks. Normally we get both The Virginian-Pilot (the paper for which my husband works) and The Christian Science Monitor Weekly print edition. Our four sons have grown up with a variety of print newspaper

14、s available daily. That has changed slightly since our youngest, Quin, 10, has also become an online news tracker.However, it wasnt until the newspapers stopped coming to our doorstep seven days a week that I learned how deeply attached they all are to the printed, paper, page. Thats when we decided

15、 to make a list of what we have come to rely on newspapers to do cheaply and immediately.Heres the list we made together of what our newspaper is used for beyond learning the news itself: as an umbrella when caught in rain; to stuff in wet shoes overnight to dry; to stuff in hats to keep their shape; to stuff under


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