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1、2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1I am always delighted when receiving your invitation, _ the party on June 9th after the national college entrance examination, I shall be pleased to

2、 attend.AOn account ofBWith regard toCIn response toDIn view of2Mr, White, do you have anything _?No, nothing. You can take a rest now.Atype Btyped Cto type Dto be typed3Efforts will be made to_ new teaching models to exploit the students potential.Aaccelerate BinnovateCdifferentiate Dcompile4_ trav

3、elling expenses rising a lot, we had to change all our plans for the tourAAsBByCSinceDWith5If you _ come to our village, Ill show you around.AwillBshallCmustDshould6Mum, I am worrying about my pet dog while we are away.Boy, you _. Our neighbor has offered to help us.Acant Bwouldnt Cneednt Dmustnt7If

4、 you want to lead a happy life, youd better learn to accept life _ it is.AasBthatCwhichDwhere8Teachers in primary schools _ influence the kids fall under should be role models.AwhoseBwhoCwhereDwhich9The expert points out the phenomenon that cream goes bad faster than butter_ its structure rather tha

5、n its chemical composition.Alives up toBgets down toCcomes down toDstands up to10_ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may influence genes in human bodies.AHaving exposedBBeing exposedCTo exposeDExposed11_ in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Palace Museum.AAnythingBNo

6、thingCEverythingDSomething12English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, _ uses it differently.Aall of whichBeach of whichCall of themDeach of them13Many universities throughout the world provide scholarships for students _ financial aid.Ain favour ofBin need ofCin face ofDin honour of1

7、4Alice, why arent you at work today?I a day offAhave givenBhave been givenCgaveDwas given15There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds _ they are not objectively true, and that giants, witches, two-headed dragons etc do not exist.AthatBwhatCwhichDwhen16What an amazing picture!Th

8、e little boy _the soldiers, and I caught them in an unguarded moment.Awas salutingBsalutedChad salutedDwould salute17There are a lot of signs men are more likely to have heart attacks than women.Aindicate Bto indicate Cindicated Dindicating18Nowadays, the Internet is a popular _ for the public to ac

9、cess information and voice their opinions.AtrackBtrendCchannelDlane19Have you heard _ news that over 10,000 people lost their lives in the earthquake in Japan?Not yetWhat _ big surprise!Athe; aBthe; /C/; /D/; a20 for years of hard training, she would not be standing on the stage, receiving huge chee

10、rs and applause.AIt were notBIt had not beenCWere it notDHad it not been.第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)Free Online Creative Writing WorkshopSuitable for the students of all LevelsDream of writing poetry, short stories, or novels? Ever watched a movie or a play and felt the d

11、esire to write a script of your own? If so, take our course online. Not only will we bring you techniques all forms of creative writing need most, we will also touch on the challenges and techniques that make your writing unique while getting your brainand your handmoving.Lesson 1: Small StepsAs a s

12、tudent of this course, and as a creative writer, you will be writing. Decide where your words will go. Will you write longhand or will you type your words on a keyboard?Lesson 1 Video Complete Assignment: An Introduction Complete: Assignment 1: Starting Small Complete Exam: Lesson 1: Small StepsLess

13、on 2: Getting Out of Your Own WayIf you long to write creatively, but you have a hard time getting started, you are not alone. There are far more people in the world who wish they were writers than those who actually write.Lesson 2 Video Review 2 Articles: Being Held Back by Your Fear of Writing?Onl

14、ine Writing Groups and Writing Communities Complete: Assignment 2: Combatting Fear Complete Exam: Lesson 2: Getting Out of Your Own WayStudent recommendations“Great job. I especially enjoyed the opportunity to learn about and try some writing experiences Id never thought I might like.” -Dot S.“The w

15、riting assignments and the instructor feedback were most helpful. I have taken two classes from this instructor, and I learned a great deal in both.” -Karen R.“The course had many suggested activities and exercises. The more of these I did the better experience I had with each lesson.” -Mel T.383、Wha


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