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1、2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1The two pens are the same, but the red one cost _ that one.Aas much twice asBtwice as much asCmuch as twice asDas twice much as2This semester our sc

2、hool offers many optional courses for the students, _ appeals to many students.Aeach of whichBall of whomCeach of whomDall of which3Country people dont pretend to have these ridiculous manners which are necessary _ we call polite societyAwhatBin whatCwhichDin which4You know quite a lot about the fas

3、hion show.Well, Cathy _ it to me during lunch.Aintroduces BintroducedChad introduced Dwill introduce5 The room looks bigger! We _ the furniture.Ahave changedBhad changedCchangedDare changing6Hardly ever _ so many choices for young people entering the workforce as there are today.Athere areBthere hav

4、e beenChave there beenDare there7- Do you know what Tom does all day ?- I know he spends at least as much time watching TV as he _his lessons.Ais doingBdoesCspends to doDdoes doing8Nowadays, more and more Chinese homes have the technology and equipment _ to do online shopping.AneededBneedingCneedDto

5、 need9The Mid-Autumn Festival is _ special holiday for most Chinese when _ whole family will get together.Athe; theBa; theCa; aDthe; a10 their final medical check, the astronauts boarded their spacecraftAReceivedBBeing receivedCTo receiveDHaving received11Do you really mean it when you say he will a

6、 good president?AjudgeBduitCturnDServe12They do have a different to the problem of overpopulationAsolution BopinionCdecision Dconclusion13 How did you like Johns exhibition of paintings last weekend? To tell you the truth, his paintings didnt _ me much.A. refer toBappeal toCbelong toDoccur to14At on

7、e time, she is fine, _ at another, she is abnormal.AandBorCbutDso15-I feel nervous when taking an exam.- and you can do it well.ATake it w easy BTake your time CGood luck DIts up to you16As a doctor, I spend most of the time with my patients, and thats _ it is in my day.Ahow Bwhen Cwhy Dwhere17With

8、WeChat Pay coming into widespread use, our household bills are convenient _.ApayingBpaidCto payDto be paid18The emoticons _ when we want to stop a conversation, sparing us the embarrassment.Acome around Bcome in handyCcome about Dcome by19Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, only today is a

9、gift, and that is _ we call it present.AhowBwhenCwhyDwhere20The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he had a _ attitude.Achangeable Bstable Cmovable Dflexible第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)About UsCatty Shack Ranch Wildlife Shelter is an organization t

10、hat doesnt run for profit. Our mission is to provide a safe, loving, forever home for endangered big cats, and to educate the public about their situation in the wild. Our primary focus is in the rescue of cats from serious situations. Once an animal is taken in at Catty Shack Ranch, they will have

11、a loving, forever home for life. Now we need some volunteers to help us.What Do Volunteers Do?Our volunteers at the Ranch do a variety of projects including upkeep of enclosures, yard work and landscaping, cleaning and preparation of residents food items, guiding tours. We also have our Thrift Store

12、 that needs volunteers. It provides a perfect opportunity for the person who needs to be inside from the Florida heat, or just loves to help out with retail(零售)! Thrift Store volunteers help with selling items, cleaning, and organizing the store.Volunteer RequirementsYou must be at least 18 years ol

13、d, if volunteering for “school community service hours”, volunteers may be 16 years old but must be accompanied at all times by a parent or adults.You must be able to volunteer at least 8 hours a month to be an “active” volunteer.Before volunteering, all paperwork and appropriate documentation must

14、be completed and turned into our Volunteer Coordinator.How to Become a VolunteerJoin us for a Volunteer Meeting on the first Thursday of every month at 6:00 PM. At the meeting, please bring : Completed Volunteer Form (download here); Drivers license or official form of ID; $ 20(cash or check)for your shirt and volunteer badge(徽章).Additional InformationIf you have further questions about volunteers, please contact us by email, we will respond to your inquiry within a few days.1、Which of the following is true about Catty Shack Ranch?AIt is a non-profit organization.BYou can visit it


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