1、SN/T 1342-2003附录A(规范性附录)船舶交通工具卫生证书签发格式样中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫ENTRY-EXIT INSPECTION AND QUARANTINEOF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINAORIGINAL交通工具卫生证书编号No.:SS12000020020180SANITARY CERTIFICATE FOR CONVEYANCE(港口当局不得取去)(Not to be taken amay by port authoritios)交通工具名称亚鹰国籍巴拿马Name of ConveyanceASIAN EAGLENationalityP
2、ANAMA总吨位/起痕量车数交通工具号码Gros Tns/(5300_ Coeyance No._*_依据中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法及其实施细则与有关卫生法规,经检查认为该交通工具卫生合格,特发给本证。(注:本证书有效期自2002年03月20日至2003年03月19日)In accordance with the Fontier Health and Quarantine Law of the Reoples Repubic of China and its specific rules andother health regulations concemed,the sanitary co
3、ndition of the conveyance dlescribed above is considered satisfactory as aresult of inspection.This certificate is hereby granted.(Note:This certificate is authentic from 20 Mar,2002 to 19 Mar,2003.)天津新港SAIAT-ET E签证地点Place of IssueXinGang Tian Jin中甲人民共签证日时Time and Date of issue 14:30 20 Mar,2002天津检疫
4、医师Quarantine DoctorLiu Zhenjiong印章签名Signature刘振江中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫机关及其官员或代表不承担签发本证书的任何财经责任。No financial liability with respect to this certificate shall attach to the entry-exit inspection and quarantineauthorities of the P.R.of China or to any of its officers or representatives.A0061177c6-32000.)图A.1船舶交通工具卫生证书签发格式样3