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1、【公司面试题之:腾讯PHP工程师笔试题】1 请对POSIX风格和兼容Perl风格两种正则表达式的主要函数进行类比说明 ereg preg_match ereg_replace preg_replace 2 请说明在php.ini中safe_mode开启之后对于PHP系统函数的影响 3 PHP5中魔术方法函数有哪几个,请举例说明各自的用法 _sleep _wakeup _toString _set_state _construct, _destruct _call, _get, _set, _isset, _unset _sleep, _wakeup, _toString, _set_state

2、, _clone _autoload 4 请写出让,并说明如何在命令行下运行PHP脚本(写出两种方式)同时向PHP脚本传递参数? 5 PHP的垃圾收集机制是怎样的 6使对象可以像数组一样进行foreach循环,要求属性必须是私有。 (Iterator模式的PHP5实现,写一类实现Iterator接口) 7请写一段PHP代码,确保多个进程同时写入同一个文件成功 8 用PHP实现一个双向队列 9 使用正则表达式提取一段标识语言(html或xml)代码段中指定标签的指定属性值(需考虑属性值对不规则的情况,如大小写不敏感,属性名值与等号间有空格等)。此处假设需提取test标签的attr属性值,请自行构

3、建包含该标签的串 10请使用socket相关函数(非curl)实现如下功能:构造一个post请求,发送到指定http server的指定端口的指定请求路径(如:8080/test)。请求中包含以下变量: 用户名(username):温柔一刀 密码(pwd):&123=321&321=123& 个人简介(intro):Hello world! 且该http server需要以下cookie来进行简单的用户动作跟踪: cur_query:you&me last_tm:.(上次请求的unix时间戳,定为当前请求时间前10分钟) cur_tm:.(当前请求的unix时间戳) 设置超时为10秒,发出请求

4、后,将http server的响应内容输出。 复制内容到剪贴板 代码:Function encode($data, $sep = &) while (list($k,$v) = each($data) $encoded .= ($encoded ? $sep : ); $encoded .= rawurlencode($k).=.rawurlencode($v); Return $encoded; Function post($url, $post, $cookie) $url = parse_url($url); $post = encode($data, &); $cookie = enc

5、ode($cookieArray, ;); $fp = fsockopen($urlhost, $urlport ? $urlport : 80, $errno, $errstr, 10); if (!$fp) return Failed to open socket to $urlhost; fputs($fp, sprintf(POST %s%s%s HTTP/1.0n, $urlpath, $urlquery ? ? : , $urlquery); fputs($fp, Host: $urlhostn); fputs($fp, Content-type: application/x-ww

6、w-form-urlencodedn); fputs($fp, Content-length: . strlen($encoded) . n); fputs($fp, Cookie: $cookienn); fputs($fp, Connection: closenn); fputs($fp, $post n); while (!feof($fp) echo fgets($fp, 128); fclose($fp); $url = url:8080/test/url; $encoded = username=温柔一刀& pwd= $post = array( username= 温柔一刀, p

7、wd = &123=321&321=123&, intro = Hello world! ); $cookie = array( cur_query = you&me, last_tm = time() - 600, cur_tm = time() ); Post($url, $post, $cookie); 11你用什么方法检查PHP脚本的执行效率(通常是脚本执行时间)和数据库SQL的效率(通常是数据库Query时间),并定位和分析脚本执行和数据库查询的瓶颈所在? 1脚本执行时间,启用xdebug,使用WinCacheGrind分析。 2数据库查询,mysql使用EXPLAIN分析查询,启用

8、slow query log记录慢查询。 PHP LAMP Engineer Test Paper Question 1 What does print out? A) 3 B) False C) Null D) 1 E) 0 Question 2 Which of the following snippets prints a representation of 42 with two decimal places? A) printf(%.2dn, 42); B) printf(%1.2fn, 42); C) printf(%1.2un, 42); Question 3 Given $te

9、xt = Content-Type: text/xml; Which of the following prints text/xml? A) print substr($text, strchr($text, :); B) print substr($text, strchr($text, :) + 1); C) print substr($text, strpos($text, :) + 1); D) print substr($text, strpos($text, :) + 2); E) print substr($text, 0, strchr($text, :) Question

10、4 What is the value of $a? A) True B) False Question 5 What is the value of $result in the following PHP code? ; Answer: NULL Question 6 The code below _ because _. A) will work, class definitions can be split up into multiple PHP blocks. B) will not work, class definitions must be in a single PHP b

11、lock. C) will not work, class definitions must be in a single file but can be in multiple PHP blocks. D) will work, class definitions can be split up into multiple files and multiple PHP blocks. Question 7 When turned on, _ will _ your script with different variables from HTML forms and cookies. A)

12、show_errors, enable B) show_errors, show C) register_globals, enhance D) register_globals, inject Question 8 What will be the output of the following PHP code: Answer: 1 Question 9 What is the best all-purpose way of comparing two strings? A) Using the strpos function B) Using the = operator C) Using strcasecmp() D) Using strcmp() Question 10 What is the difference between print() and echo()? Answer: print is a function,echo is a language construct


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