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1、2019年12月大学英语六级考试真题(二)Part IWriting(30minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of having a sense offamily responsibility.You should wrote at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Part IIListening Comprehension(30 minutes)Section ADirections:

2、In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hearfour questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,youmust choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresp

3、onding letteron Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 and 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.A)It focuses exclusively on jazz.B)It sponsors major jazz concerts.C)It has several branches in London.D)It displays albums by new music talents.2.A)It originate

4、d with cowboys.B)Its market has now shrunk.C)Its listeners are mostly young peopleD)It remains as widespread as hip hop music.3.A)Its definition is varied and complicated.B)It is still going through experimentation.C)It is frequently accompanied by singing.D)Its style has remained largely unchanged.

5、4.A)Learn to play them.B)Take music lessons.C)Listen to them yourself.D)Consult jazz musicians.Questions 5 and 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.A)She paid her mortgage.B)She called on the man.C)She made a business plan.D)She went to the bank.6.A)Her previous debt hadnt been clea

6、red yetB)Her credit history was considered poor.C)She had apparently asked for too much.D)She didnt pay her mortgage in time.7.A)Pay a debt long overdue.B)Buy a piece of property.C)Start her own business.D)Check her credit history.8.A)Seek advice from an expert about fundraising.B)Ask for smaller lo

7、ans from different lenders.C)Build up her own finances step by step.D)Revise her business proposal carefully.Section BDirections:In this section,you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear three or fourquestions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.Afte

8、r you hear a question,you mustchoose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter onAnswer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.C)Reading plain texts is more effective than viewing pictures.D)Scientific concepts are hard to understand withou

9、t visual aidsQuestions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.19.A)Not playing a role in a workplace revolution.B)Not benefiting from free-market capitalismC)Not earning enough money to provide for the family.D)Not spending enough time on family life and leisure.20.A)People would be

10、 working only fifteen hours a week now.B)The balance of power in.the workplace would change.C)Technological advances would create many now jobs.D)Most workers could afford to have a house of their own.21.A)Loss of workerspersonal dignity.B)Deprivation of workerscreativity.C)Deterioration of workersm

11、ental health.D)Unequal distribution of working louts.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.22.A)It is the worst managed airport in German history.B)It is now the biggest and busiest airport in Europe.C)It has become something of a joke among Germans.D)It has become a typi

12、cal symbol of German efficiency.23.A)The citys airports are outdated.B)The city had just been reunified.C)The city wanted to boost its economy.D)The city wanted to attract mote tourists.24.A)The municipal government kept changing lands.B)The construction firm breached the contractC)Shortage of fundi

13、ng delayed its construction.D)Problems of different kinds kept popping up.25.A)Tourism industry in Berlin suffers.B)All kinds of equipment gets rusted.C)Huge maintenance costs accumulate.D)Complaints by local residents increase.PartReading Comprehension(40 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section

14、,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blankfrom a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully beforemaking your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter

15、foreach item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bankmore than once.The persistent haze over many of our cities is a reminder of the polluted air that we breathe,Over 80%of theworlds urban population is breathing air that fails to meet Worl

16、d Health Organisation guidelines,and anestimated 4.5 million people died 26 from outdoor air pollution in 2015.Globally,urban populations are expected to double in the next 40 years,and an extra 2 billion people willneed new places to live,as well as services and ways to move around their cities.Wha

17、t is more important,thedecisions that we make now about the design of our cities will27the everyday lives and health of the cominggenerations.So what would a smug-free,or at least low-pollution,city be like?Traffic has become 28 with air pollution,and many countries intend to ban the sale of new pet

18、rol anddiesel cars in the next two decades.But simply 29 to electric can will not mean pollution-free cities.The levelof emissions they cause will depend on how the electricity to run them is 30,while brakes,tyres and toads allcreate tiny airborne31as they wear out.Across the developed world,ear use

19、 is in decline as more people move to city centers,while young peopleespecially are32 for other means of travel.Researchers are already asking if motor vehicle use has reached its33and will decline,but transport planners have yet to catch up with this34,instead of laying new roads totackle traffic j

20、ams.As users of Londons orbital M25 motorway will know,new roads rapidly fill with more trafficIn the US,studies have shown that doubling the size of a road can35 double the traffic,taking us back to thestarting point.A)alternateF)mergedK)prematurelyB)crownG)miniaturesL)simplyC)determineH)optingM)sw

21、itchingD)generatedD)particlesN)synonymousE)locatingJ)peakO)trendSection BDirections:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statementcontains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You ma

22、y choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions bymarking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.How Much Protein Do You Really Need?A)The marketing is tempting:Get stronger muscles and healthier bodies with minimal effort by addingprotein powder t

23、o your morning shake or juice drink.Or grab a protein bar at lunch or for a quick snack.Today,you can find protein supplements everywhere-online or at the pharmacy,grocery store or health food store.Theycome in powders,pills and bars.With more than$12 billion in sales this year,the industry is boomi

24、ng and,according to the market research company,Grand View Research,is on track to sell billions more by 2025.But dowe really need all this supplemental protein?It depends.There are pros,cons and some other things to consider.B)For starters,protein is critical for every cell in our body.It helps bui

25、ld nails,hair,bones and muscles.Itcan also help you feel fuller longer than eating foods without protein.And,unlike nutrients that are found only infew foods,protein is present in all foods.The typical American diet is a lot higher in protein than a lot of usthink,says registered dietitian Angela Pi

26、pitone.Its in foods many of us expect,such as beef,chicken and othertypes of meat and dairy.But its also in foods that may not come immediately to mind like vegetables,fruit,beansand grains.”C)The U.S.governments recommended daily allowance(RDA)for the average adult is 50 to 60 gram ofprotein a day.

27、This may sound like a lot,but Pipitone says:We get bits of protein here and there and that reallyadds up throughout the day.Take,for example,breakfast.If you eat two eggs topped with a little bit of cheeseand an orange on the side,you already have 22 grams of protein.Each egg gives you 7 grams,the c

28、heese givesyou about 6 grams and the orange-about 2 grams.Add a lunch of chicken,rice and broccoli(),and youare already over the recommended 50 grams.You can get enough protein and meet the RDA before you even getto dinner,says Pipitone.D)So if its so easy to get your protein in food,why add more in

29、 the form of powders,snack bars or a boostat your local juice bar No need to,says Pipitone,because,in fact,most of us already get enough protein in ourdict.Whole foods are always the best option rather than adding supplements,the says,noting the FDA does notregulate supplements as rigorously as food

30、s or drugs.So there could be less protein,more sugar and someadditives you wouldnt expect,such as caffeine(咖啡因).E)If you are considering a supplement,read the list of ingredients,she says,although this is not alwaysreliable.Ive seen very expensive protein supplements that claim to be high quality bu

31、t they might not really bebeneficial for the average healthy adult,she says.It could just be a waste of money.F)But there are certain situations that do warrant extra protein.Anytime youre repairing or buildingmuscle.Pipitone says,such as if youre an extreme endurance athlete,training for a marathon

32、,or youre a bodybuilder.If youre moderately exercising for 150 minutes a week,as the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention recommends,or less than that,youre probably not an extreme athlete.Extreme athletes expend lots ofenergy breaking down and repairing and building muscles.Protein can give th

33、em the edge they need to speed thatprocess.G)Vegans can benefit from protein supplements since they do not eat animal-based protein sources likemeat,dairy or eggs.And,for someone always on-the-go who may not have time for a meal,a protein snack barcan be a good option for occasional meal replacement

34、.Also,individuals recovering from surgery or an injury canalso benefit from extra protein.So,too,can older people.At around age 60,muscles really start to break down,says Kathryn Starr,an aging researcher,and because of that,the protein needs of an older adult actuallyincrease.H)In fact,along with h

35、er colleague Connie Bales.Starr recently conducted a small study that found thatadding extra protein foods to the diet of obese older individuals who were trying to lose weight strengthened theirmuscles.Participants in the study were separated into two groups-one group was asked to eat 30 grams ofpr

36、otein per meal in the form of whole foods.That meant they were eating 90 grams of protein a day.The othergroup-the control group-was put on a typical low-calorie diet with about 50 to 60 grams of protein a day.Aftersix months,researchers found the high protein group had significantly improved their

37、muscle function-almosttwice as much as the control group.They were able to walk faster,had improved balance,and were also able toget up out of a chair faster than the control group.Starr says.All 67 participants were over 60 years of age,andboth groups lost about the same amount of weight.I)Starr is

38、 row looking into whether high-protein diets also improve the quality of the muscle itself in seniorsShes using CT scans to measure muscle size and fat,and comparing seniors on a high-protein diet with those onregular diets.She says her findings should be available in a couple of months.J)In the mea

39、ntime,70-year-old Corliss Keith,who was in the high protein group in Starrs latest study,saysthe feels a big difference.I feel excellent,she says.I feel like I have a different body.I have more energy.Imstronger.She says she is able to take Zumba exercise classes three times a week,work out on the t

40、readmill(跑步机),and take long,brisk walks.Keith also lost more than 15 pounds.Im a fashionable person,so now Im backin my 3-inch heels,she says.K)As people age,Starr says muscle strength is key to helping them stay strong and continue living on theirown in their own home.I feel very much alive now,say

41、s Keith.I feel like I could stay by myself until Im100.”L)Bat can people overdo protein?Pipitone says you do have to be careful.Other researchers say too muchprotein can cause cramps(挛),headaches,and fatigue.Dehydration(脱水)is also a risk when you eat too muchprotein.Pipitone says if you increase pro

42、tein,you also have to increase your fluid intake.I always tell people tomake sure theyre drinking enough fluids,which for the average person is 60 to 70 ounces a day,whichtranslates into eight 8-ounce glasses of water or liquid per day.M)There have been some indications that extra protein makes the

43、kidneys work harder,which could beproblematic for individuals with a history of kidney disease and for them,the supplements may increase the risk ofkidney stones,the says.N)Bottom line,if you think you need more protein in your diet,consider these questions:Are you anextreme athlete;are you recoveri

44、ng from injury or surgery;or are you 60 years or older?If so,adding high proteinfoods like eggs and meat products to your diet can be beneficial.And,if youre not sure,in is always a good ideato check with your primary care provider.36.It is quite easy for one to take in the recommended amount of pro

45、tein.37.Pipitone claims that healthy adults need not spend money on protein supplements.38.The protein supplement business is found to be thriving.39.Protein can speed the repairing of damaged muscles40.Protein supplements may overburden some internal organ,thus leading to its malfunctioning41.Older

46、 adults need to take in more protein to keep their muscles strong.42.Protein is found in more foods than people might realize.43.Additional protein was found to help strengthen the muscles of overweight seniors seeking weight loss.44.Pipitone believes that whole foods provide the best source of prot

47、ein.45.People are advised to drink more liquid when they take in more protein.SectionCDirections:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinishedstatements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the bestchoice a

48、nd mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Last year,a child was born at a hospital in the UK with her heart outside her body.Few babies survive thisrare condition,and those who do must end

49、ure numerous operations and are likely to have complex needs.Whenher mother was interviewed,three weeks after her daughters birth,she was asked if she was prepared for whatmight be a daunting(令人生畏的)task caring for her.She answered without hesitation that,as far as she wasconcerned,this would be apri

50、vilege.Rarely has there been a better example of the power of attitude,one of our most powerful psychologicaltools.Our attitudes allow us to turn mistakes into opportunities,and loss into the chance for new beginnings.Anattitude is a settled way of thinking,feeling and/or behaving towards particular

51、 objects,people,events orideologies.We use our attitudes to filter,interpret and react to the world around us.You werent born withattitudes;rather they are all learned,and this happens in a number of ways.The most powerful influences occur during early childhood and include both what happened to you

52、 directly,and what those around you did and said in your presence.As you acquire a distinctive identity,your attitudes arefurther refined by the behavior of those with whom you identify-your family,those of your gender and culture,and the people you admire,even though you may not know them personall

53、y.Friendships and other importantrelationships become increasingly important,particularly during adolescence.About that same time andthroughout adulthood,the information you receive,especially when ideas are repeated in association with goalsand achievements you find attractive,also refines your att

54、itudes.Many people assume that our attitudes are internally consistent,that is,the way you think and feel aboutsomeone or something predicts your behavior towards them.However,may studies have found that feelings andthoughts dont necessarily predict behavior.In general,your attitudes will be interna

55、lly consistent only when thebehavior is easy,and when those around you hold similar beliefs.Thats why,for example,may say they believein the benefits of recycling or exercise,but dont behave in line with their views,because it takes awareness,effortand courage to go beyond merely stating that you be

56、lieve something is a good idea.One of the most effective ways to change an attitude is to start behaving as if you already feel and think theway youd prefer to.Take some time to reflect on your attitudes,to think about what you believe and why.Is thereanything you consider a burden rather than a privilege?It so,start behaving-right now-as if the latter is the case.


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