1、2017年中国特步大学生啦啦操总决赛自选成套编排对比与分析Comparions and Analysis of the Self-selected Sets of Xtep Cheerleading Finals for College Students in 2017摘 要21世纪伊始,我国社会进入快速发展的阶段,如何加强体育工作,促进学生的健康成长成为现阶段教育工作者关注的焦点。啦啦操是现代体育运动中一个新兴的运动项目。当前国际上根据成套动作表演形式的不同将舞蹈啦啦操项目分为爵士啦啦操、花球啦啦操、街舞啦啦操。近年来,由“特步”冠名、中国大学生体育协会主办的大学生啦啦操比赛在我国各高校中广
6、在编排上能够最大化的掩盖队员的短板,充分展现本队队员的技术优势和个性特点。同时教练员也要不断提高自身技术水平和编排能力,在竞技比赛当中积累经验,将学习到的理论知识运用到实践当中,多去借鉴和实践国外运动队一些好的方法,提升运动队整体实力。关键词:特步中国大学生啦啦操 成套编排 对比 分析AbstractOur society has entered a stage where swift development has always been conducted on the threshold of the 21st century, on which how to strengthen sp
7、orts work and promote the healthy growth of students has become the very point of concern to which educators ought to give priority. Cheerleading has been a new sport in modern sports. Dance cheerleading competitions are currently divided into Jazz cheerleading, flower ball cheerleading and hip-hop
8、cheerleading in accordance with the different forms of complete action performance. The University Cheerleading Competition sponsored by the Xtep as well as the China University Sports Association has been widely carried out in universities and colleges in China in recent years, whose national final
9、 competition is hereby named as the Chinese College Cheerleading Final that gathers the high-level cheerleading teams from universities and colleges all over the country. The competition refers to the international general rules of Cheerleading competition that classify the content of the competitio
10、n in detail, which leave the competition both ornamental and normative, thereby leading the basic trend of our countrys dance cheerleading.Each team has put a variety of dance cheerleading forms endowed with modern popular elements into use in the final competition of Chinese college students cheerl
11、eading, which are unique in the arrangements and completions of whole sets of standards. The organization of such event is conducive to college students experience of the charm of sports culture, the transmission and promotion of sports spirit, the enhancement of college students curiosity about phy
12、sical exercise as well as the popularization of dance. Cheerleading project has been of positive significance in cultivating students life-long sports consciousness, especially when it comes to sports technology, the analysis upon the choreography of Chinese Xtep college students c heerleading final
13、s has certain reference value for our countrys dance cheerleading to promote the competition levels.The Xtep Chinese College Students Cheerleading Finals in 2007 has been taken as the research object, the methods of documentation, video observation, investigation, mathematical statistics and logical
14、 analysis adopted in the meantime. The arrangement of flower ball, jazz, hip-hop cheerleading optional routines of each team in the Xtep Chinese college students cheerleading finals in 2017 has been compared and further analyzed in accordance with the ICU competition rules. Conclusions have been dra
15、wn as follows: The choices for clothes play a fairly significant role in the whole set of Cheerleading movements. The main style of flower ball cheerleading is the bright long sleeve skirt as for the selection and collocation for clothes. Most of the Jazz cheerleading teams mainly use the long sleev
16、e skirts and short skirts, whose color remains darker. Pretty few teams add Chinese elements to their clothes. Hip-hop clothes are mainly in dark.Eight teams differ from each other to a relatively lower degree in the number of hierarchical actions, sequential actions and comparative ones. All teams participating in the competition have met certain requirements in the number of movements, bringing a ealth of visual ex