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2、交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1The TV station will be _ the game live on Saturday afternoon, and we cant miss it.AcoveringBimprovingChandlingDcanceling2Every four years Americans _ the transfer of power.Acarry over Bcarry offCcarry on Dcarry out3He doesnt spend any more money on clothing than I do,bu

3、t_he manages to look so stylish.AthereforeBsomehowCfurthermoreDotherwise4Look, _ fashionable clothes is she wearing that all the eyes are fixed on her!AsoBsuchChowDwhat5Better get down to your work, Tom. _.AIts my pleasure BDont mention it CMind your own business DYoure welcome6Not until I went up f

4、urther _ that under the tree _, obviously sound asleep.Athat I saw; did a boy lieBI saw; lay a boyCdid I see; did a boy lieDdid I see; lay a boy7May I help you? You seem to be having some problems. _, thanks. I think I can manage.AAll rightBNo problemCIts all rightDTheres no way8It is a foolish act

5、to_ notes during a test as you will be severely punished.Astick toBrefer toCkeep toDpoint to9The only problem was _ we kept getting lost! But people in Tianjin are very friendly and helpful.AwhyBwhetherCthatDhow10_ the lawyers, volunteers from the Libyan Red Cross Society also joined the efforts in

6、helping the Chinese go home safely.AExcept forBIn spite ofCApart fromDInstead of11- Its raining hard and we cant go picnicking today.-If only the weather _ fine!AisBwereChad beenDwould be12Its too complex, I think_. So wed better make it easier for students to get involvedAThats ridiculousBThats the

7、 pointCThats settledDThats all right13The governors statement on employment _ a storm of criticism,Aset up Bset outCset about Dset off14What about asking these new graduates to take on the task?I m afraid notWhile they are energetic and ambitious, _ of them seems to be suitable for this demanding jo

8、bAno oneBeveryoneCnoneDfew15In the forest, sound is the best means of communication over distance _ in comparison with light, it wont be blocked by trees when travelling.Awhile BbecauseCwhen Dthough16What you said doesnt _ what the police have told us, so we have to find more evidence.Aagree withBma

9、ke upCcontribute toDshow off17I think youve got to the point a change is needed , otherwise youll fail .AwhenBwhichCwhereDthere18Anna was in Inner Mongolia for two years, _ as a volunteer teacher.A having worked B working C worked D to work19. I was embarrassed to admit that yesterday I _ a serious

10、error.AactedBcommittedCperformedDcompleted20What I love most about reading novels is _ the authors vividly describe the characters.AwhatBwhyChowDwhom第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)If you are in a dilemma about being self-taught or getting formal education, you have come to th

11、e right webpage. In this article, we note the advantages of each of these to help you decide which one would be the best for you.Perhaps the biggest advantage of being self-taught is that you are able to save a lot of money. With each passing year, the cost of getting a degree is on the rise. As a r

12、esult, many students these days tend to graduate from college with a significant amount of debt. This makes it necessary for them to get a job as soon as possible, otherwise a number of serious issues may arise. Besides, it is possible to learn faster on your own, by focusing on only those areas tha

13、t you are interested in. Finally, learning on your own can be a great confidence builder. You have to struggle to gain knowledge but once you clear the basics on your own, you will find yourself being much more confident about your abilities.One of the biggest advantages of formal education is that

14、you get a degree which is a mark of recognition that you have achieved a level of knowledge in that particular field. Many companies tend to prefer candidates who have a college degree. Whats more, though formal education lacks the convenience and flexibility of self-education, it offers you much more in terms of the actual structure of the learning process. Last, being formally educated means that you will enter a college or other similar educational institutions. There you will get the benefit of being taught and guided by learned teachers and other subject experts. This wi


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