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1、Designation:E119-12An American National StandardINTERNATIONALStandard Test Methods forFire Tests of Building Construction and Materials1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E119;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of r

2、evision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon(2)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.INTRODUCTIONThe performance of w

3、alls,columns,floors,and other building members under fire-exposureconditions is an item of major importance in securing constructions that are safe,and that are not amenace to neighboring structures or to the public.Recognition of this is registered in the codes ofmany authorities,municipal and othe

4、r.It is important to secure balance of the many units in a singlebuilding,and of buildings of like character and use in a community;and also to promote uniformityin requirements of various authorities throughout the country.To do this it is necessary that thefire-resistive properties of materials an

5、d assemblies be measured and specified according to a commonstandard expressed in terms that are applicable alike to a wide variety of materials,situations,andconditions of exposure.Such a standard is found in the test methods that follow.They prescribe a standard exposing fire ofcontrolled extent a

6、nd severity.Performance is defined as the period of resistance to standard exposureelapsing before the first critical point in behavior is observed.Results are reported in units in whichfield exposures can be judged and expressed.The test methods may be cited as the Standard Fire Tests,and the perfo

7、rmance or exposure shallbe expressed as“2-h,”“6-h,”“h-h,”etc.When a factor of safety exceeding that inherent in the test conditions is desired,a proportionalincrease should be made in the specified time-classification period.1.Scope1.2 It is the intent that classifications shall register compara-1.1

8、 The test methods described in this fire-test-responsetive performance to specific fire-test conditions during thestandard are applicable to assemblies of masonry units and toperiod of exposure and shall not be construed as havingcomposite assemblies of structural materials for buildings,determined

9、suitability under other conditions or for use afterincluding loadbearing and other walls and partitions,columns,fire exposure.girders,beams,slabs,and composite slab and beam assemblies1.3 This standard is used to measure and describe thefor floors and roofs.They are also applicable to other assem-re

10、sponse of materials,products,or assemblies to heat andblies and structural units that constitute permanent integralfame under controlled conditions,but does not by itselfparts of a finished building.incorporate all factors required for fire hazard or fire riskassessment of the materials,products or

11、assemblies underactual fire conditions.These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E05 on Fire1.4 These test methods prescribe a standard fire exposureStandards and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E05.11 on FireResistance.for comparing the test results of building c

12、onstruction assem-Current edition approved Jan.15,2012.Published January 2012.Originallyblies.The results of these tests are one factor in assessingapproved in 1917.Last previous edition approved in 2011 as E119-11a.DOI:predicted fire performance of building construction and assem-10.1520/E0119-12.b

13、lies.Application of these test results to predict the perfor-These test methods.of which the present standard represents a revision,wereprepared by Sectional Committee on Fire Tests of Materials and Construction,undermance of actual building construction requires the evaluationthe joint sponsorship

14、of the National Bureau of Standards,the ANSI Fire Protectionof test conditions.Group.and ASTM.functioning under the procedure of the American NationalStandards Institute.DOI:10.1520/E0119-10B.Copyright ASTM Intemational,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken.PA 19428-2959.United States.

15、se with ASTMNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSopos6e02282126258 n5967160o01E119-12column,and the two intermediate levels shall be equally7.3.3.4 For steel structural members,locate thermocouplesspaced.For situations in which the protection material thick-as shown in Fig

16、.3:two on the bottom of the bottom flange orness is not uniform along the test specimen length,at least onechord,one on the web at the center,and one on the top flangeof the levels at which temperatures are measured shall includeor chord.the point of minimum cover.Place the thermocouples at each7.3.

17、3.5 For reinforced or pre-stressed concrete structurallevel to measure temperatures of the component elements ofmembers,locate thermocouples on each of the tension rein-the steel section.forcing elements,unless there are more than eight such7.3.3 Temperature Measurement of the Components ofelements,

18、in which case place thermocouples on eight elementsFloors and Roofs:selected in such a manner as to obtain representative tempera- For steel floor or roof units,locate four thermo-tures of all the elements.couples on each section(a section to comprise the width of one7.3.4 Temperature Measure

19、ment of Loaded Restrainedunit),one on the bottom plane of the unit at an edge joint,oneBeams:on the bottom plane of the unit remote from the edge,one on7.3.4.1 Measure the temperature of the steel structurala side wall of the unit,and one on the top plane of the unit,Themembers with four thermocoupl

20、es at each of three or morethermocouples shall be applied,where practicable,to thesections equally spaced along the length of the members.Forsurface of the units remote from fire and spaced across thesituations in which the protection material thickness is notwidth of the unit.No more than four or f

21、ewer than two sectionsuniform along the test specimen length,at least one of theneed be so instrumented in each representative span.Locate thesections at which temperatures are measured shall include thegroups of four thermocouples in representative locationspoint of minimum cover.spaced across the

22、width of the unit.Typical thermocouple7.3.4.2 For steel structural members,locate the thermo-locations for a unit section are shown in Fig.2.couples as shown in Fig.3:two on the bottom of the bottom7.3.3.2 For test specimens employing structural membersflange or chord,one on the web at the center,an

23、d one on the(beams,open-web steel joists,etc.)spaced at more than 4 ftbottom of the top flange or chord.(1.2 m)on centers,measure the temperature of the steel in7.3.4.3 For reinforced or pre-stressed concrete structuralthese members with four thermocouples at each of three ormembers,locate thermocou

24、ples on each of the tension rein-more sections equally spaced along the length of the members.forcing elements unless there are more than eight such ele-For situations in which the protection material thickness is notments,in which case place thermocouples on eight elementsuniform along the test spe

25、cimen length,at least one of theselected in such a manner as to obtain representative tempera-sections at which temperatures are measured shall include thetures of all the elements.point of minimum cover.7.3.5 Temperature Measurement of Non-loaded Structural7.3.3.3 For test specimens employing struc

26、tural membersSteel Beams and Girders:(beams,open-web steel joists,etc.)spaced at 4 ft(1.2 m)on7.3.5.1 Measure the temperature of the steel with not fewercenter or less,measure the temperature of the steel in thesethan four thermocouples at each of four sections equally spacedmembers with four thermo

27、couples placed on each member.Noalong the length of the member no nearer than 2 ft(0.6 m)frommore than four members shall be so instrumented.Place thethe inside face of the furnace.For situations in which thethermocouples at locations,such as at mid-span,over joints inprotection material thickness i

28、s not uniform along the testthe ceiling,and over light fixtures.It shall not be required thatspecimen length,at least one of the sections at which tempera-all four thermocouples be located at the same section.tures are measured shall include the point of minimum cover.Place the thermocouples at each

29、 section to measure tempera-tures of the component elements of the steel section.Section ACellular UnitCellular UnitSection BFIG.2 Typical Location of ThermocouplesFIG.3 Typical Location of Thermocoupleeration/5967164001No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSNot for Resale,02/21/2012 21:2625 MST


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