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2、题无效。4填(书)写部分必须使用黑色字迹签字笔或者钢笔书写,字迹工整、笔迹清楚:涂写部分必须使用2B铅笔填涂。5.考试结束,将答题卡和试题册按规定交回。(以下信息考生必须认真填写)考生编号考生姓名官方微博/微信公众号/知乎:挑灯成硕备考咨询微信:bazhu250第1页挑灯成硕英语(二)冲刺八套卷挑灯跟学,助你成硕!1.AtoleratedBneglectedCnoticedDcontended2.AfriskyBindifferentCangryDlive3.AbranchesBstemsCleavesDberries4.AalterBaffectCbotherDaspire5.Ain bri

3、efBin turnCin additionDin fact6.AentitledBinvolvedCassociatedDassigned7.AgoneBbidCpickedDturned8.AowesBtransfersCcontributesDcompares9.AforBofCtowardsDagainstl0.【AintelligentBindependentCindustriousDconfident11.ArareBpopularCspecialDunusual12.AAccording toBRather thanCRegardless ofDAlong with13.Amat

4、erialBcompoundCcellDsequence14.ASinceBWithCBeforeDAfter15.AacceptableBpermissiveCadmirableDacquisitive16.AdeliveredBcarriedCperformedDapplied17.AbutBandCuntilDstill18.Aturned onBturned upCturned outDturned over19.AhinderBfosterCsubsidizeDmaintain20.AartisticBdimCcolorfulDartificialSection IReading C

5、omprehensionPartADirections:Read the following four texts.Answer the questions after each text by choosing A,B,C or D.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET 1.(40 points)官方微博/微信公众号/知乎:挑灯成硕备考咨询微信:bazhu250第3页挑灯成硕英语(二)冲刺八套卷挑灯跟学,助你成硕!Text 1Once the rockets are up,who cares where they come down?Thats not

6、my department,said Wernher von Braun,the pioneer rocket scientist who worked after 1945,with equalenthusiasm,for NASA.Now a rather different mathematician,Hannah Fry,has called for aHippocratic Oath for scientists and technologists to help them carry constantly in their mindsthe ethical consequences

7、 of their work.This is a proposal that deserves serious consideration:ifit achieves nothing else,it will help to dispel the idea that technologies like softwaredevelopment are in themselves morally neutral,so that ethics,or morality,can be dealt with bysomeone else.Those who send the rockets up need

8、 to think carefully about where they mightcome down.There are three obvious issues with her plan.The first is Whose ethics?Whichrationality?There is no single,universal code of ethics to which all scientists around the worldsubscribe and the wars of the 20th century show how quickly many could be re

9、cruited toweapons research in the name of defending civilization.And absolute pacifism has not been afeature of earlier efforts at scientific ethics.The philosopher Karl Popper proposed in 1969,anoath for all students of science;even then,he could,and did,justify some work on nuclearweapons.The seco

10、nd problem is the extreme difficulty of foreseeing the uses to which pure researchcan be put.There have been a few occasions in recent times when scientists have drawn backfrom research until some at least of the ethical consequences of its application have becomeclearer:the suspension of genetic en

11、gineering in the Asilomar conference is the most celebrated.But fundamental research has uses far beyond the imagination of the people who carry it out.No one could blame Alan Turing for YouTubes role in stirring up extremism.Beyond this horizon of ignorance appears what might be called a horizon of

12、 influence:anyone individual can only accomplish a limited amount compared to the forces of states and hugebusinesses.Tim Berners-Lee,who invented the web,is horrified by some of the ways in whichit has developed but he has been powerless to stop them.Its true that collective action can haveeffects,

13、but these are limited.A revulsion among the workers at Google has so far stopped thecompany from cooperating with the US immigration service.It has not stopped its YouTubealgorithms from corrupting politics in Brazil.Any effective moral action must come fromcorporations as a whole,not just some of t

14、heir workers.But for all these drawbacks,this is still a worthwhile idea.The choice between individualand collective ethics is not either-or.Both are needed.The dominant ideal of the last decadeshas been boundless selfishness,both individual and corporate.Whatever helps to put limits onthat is not just desirable but essential.第4页备考咨询微信:bazhu250官方微博/微信公众号/知乎:挑灯成硕


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