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1、6a 封面.indd 12019/6/24 16:42:28上册主 编:范文芳副主编:宗 燕 Faridah Pawan(一年级起点)六 年 级产品编号:040308-04图书在版编目(CIP)数据 英语.六年级.上册/范文芳主编.北京:清华大学出版社,2014 一年级起点 ISBN 978-7-302-35315-7 .英.范.英语课小学教材.G624.311 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2014)第020754号本书封面贴有清华大学出版社防伪标签,无标签者不得销售。版权所有,侵权必究。侵权举报电话:010-6278298913701121933责任编辑:宗 燕责任校对:李 梅责任印制:出

2、版发行:清华大学出版社网 址:http:/,http:/ 地 址:北京清华大学学研大厦A座 邮 编:100084 社 总 机:010-62770175 邮 购:010-62786544投稿与读者服务:010-62776969,c-质 量 反 馈:010-62772015,课 件 下 载:http:/ 装 者:经 销:全国新华书店开 本:185mm260mm 印 张:5版 次:2014年8月第1版 印 次:2019年8月第1次印刷定 价:5.30元致同学 同学们,欢迎你们使用由清华大学“大、中、小学一条龙英语教学”研究与实践项目组编写的英语课本!我们为什么要学习英语呢?你们肯定知道,这是因为英语


4、“大、中、小学一条龙英语教学”研究与实践项目组为你们编写的这套英语课本,你们肯定会被那令人赏心悦目的图画所吸引;听听课文录音,你们也一定会喜欢那纯正的英语和优美的歌曲。责任编辑:宗 燕责任校对:李 梅责任印制:出版发行:清华大学出版社网 址:http:/,http:/ 地 址:北京清华大学学研大厦A座 邮 编:100084 社 总 机:010-62770175 邮 购:010-62786544投稿与读者服务:010-62776969,c-质 量 反 馈:010-62772015,课 件 下 载:http:/ 装 者:经 销:全国新华书店开 本:185mm260mm 印 张:5版 次:2014年

5、8月第1版 印 次:2019年8月第1次印刷定 价:5.30元 这套教材以你们感兴趣的话题为中心,选取的是与你们日常生活息息相关的内容。教材中安排了你们喜欢的动物、食物以及你们喜欢的活动,如游泳、踢足球等,还有许多生动有趣的故事,相信你们会喜欢这套教材。希望你们在老师的指导下,在听、说、唱、动、读、写中学会用英语说自己想说的话,写出自己的心声。英语很重要!英语很有趣!让我们共同努力,把英语学好!作者 于清华园 2012年12月UNIT ICOME MEET OUR FRIENDS.1UNIT 2ANIMALS AND SCIENCE.17UNIT 3INTERESTING HOLIDAYS.3

6、3UNIT 4 WORLD FAMOUS FABLES.49FUN READINGCINDERELLA.65VOCABULARY.73COME MEET OUR FRIENDSCOME MEET OUR FRIENDSThere are many countries in the world.We can make friends from all over the world.Do you want to?Im sure you do!COME MEET OUR FRIENDSCOME MEET OUR FRIENDSU N I T 11 1.Listen,look and read.2.L

7、ets meet our friend Liu Fang.This is a map of China.Yes.My name is Liu Fang.Im 11 years old.Im in sixth grade,primary school.Im from Beijing,China.Im Chinese.My favorite hobby is playing table tennis.I play a lot of table tennis after school.Can you tell us something about yourself?What language do

8、you speak in China?Whats your favorite hobby?We speak Chinese.2 23.Listen,read and write.map _ hobby _ something _yourself _ language _ table tennis _4.Fill in the information about Liu Fang.Then finish the text.Name:Age:Grade:Country:Nationality:Language:Hobby:This is my friend _.She is _ years old

9、.She is in _ grade,primary school.She is from _,China.She is _.She speaks _.Her favorite hobby is playing _ _._5.Research:Find some information about a good Chinese table tennis player.Write the information on the lines.6.Learn the proverb.Then translate it into Chinese.All work and no play makes Ja

10、ck a dull boy._31.Listen,look and read.2.Lets meet our friend Adam.This is a map of the US.Yes.My name is Adam.Im 12 years old.Im in fifth grade,primary school.Im from the US.Im American.My favorite hobby is playing baseball.I like to throw the ball.I like to hit the ball with the bat and run.Can yo

11、u tell us something about yourself?What language do you speak in the US?Whats your favorite hobby?We speak English.43.Listen,read and write.5.Listen to the text.Then write T or F after each sentence.the US _ American _ language _bat _ baseball _ primary school _This is my friend _.He is _ years old.

12、He is in _ grade,primary school.He is from the US.He is _.He speaks _.His favorite hobby is playing _.(1)Many people in the US play baseball.(2)The baseball field is in the shape of a triangle.(3)Many Chinese people play baseball.People play baseball on a baseball field.Look,this is a baseball field

13、.Baseball is the national sport of the US.Many adults and children in the US love to play baseball.Some people in China like to play baseball,too.Do you like to play baseball?Name:Age:Grade:Country:Nationality:Language:Hobby:4.Fill in the information about Adam.Then finish the text.51.Listen,look an

14、d read.2.Lets meet our friend David.This is a map of Canada.Yes.My name is David.Im 12 years old.Im in sixth grade,primary school.Im from Canada.Im Canadian.My favorite hobby is playing hockey.I like to skate on ice.I like to use the stick to pass the puck,too.Can you tell us something about yoursel

15、f?Do you speak English in Canada?Whats your favorite hobby?Yes,we do.64.Read the words in the word box.Then choose words from the word box to finish the sentences.China Chinese Chinesethe US American EnglishCanada Canadian English(1)A person from _ is Chinese.Im from China.Im _.I speak _.(2)A person

16、 from the US is _.Americans speak _.(3)A person from _ is Canadian.Canadians speak _.5.Listen to the text.Then write T or F after each sentence.Ice hockey is a sport on ice.In Canada and the US,people call it“hockey”.In ice hockey,players skate on ice.They use sticks to hit a hard hockey puck.Hockey is the national winter sport of Canada.People of all ages like to play ice hockey.(1)Many people in Canada play ice hockey.(2)They use sticks and a puck to play ice hockey.(3)Ice hockey is Canadas na


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